Ecological Strategies Behind the Selection of Cultivable Actinomycete Strains from the Yucatan Peninsula for the Discovery of Secondary Metabolites with Antibiotic Activity

Microbial Ecology - Tập 77 - Trang 839-851 - 2019
Yessica Parera-Valadez1, Alejandro Yam-Puc1, Lluvia Korynthia López-Aguiar1, Rocío Borges-Argáez2, Mario Alberto Figueroa-Saldivar3, Mirbella Cáceres-Farfán2, Norma Angélica Márquez-Velázquez1, Alejandra Prieto-Davó1
1Laboratorio de Ecología Microbiana y Productos Naturales Marinos, Unidad de Química en Sisal, Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sisal, Mexico
2CICY - Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán, Mérida, Mexico
3Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico

Tóm tắt

The quest for novel natural products has recently focused on the marine environment as a source for novel microorganisms. Although isolation of marine-derived actinomycete strains is now common, understanding their distribution in the oceans and their adaptation to this environment can be helpful in the selection of isolates for further novel secondary metabolite discovery. This study explores the taxonomic diversity of marine-derived actinomycetes from distinct environments in the coastal areas of the Yucatan Peninsula and their adaptation to the marine environment as a first step towards novel natural product discovery. The use of simple ecological principles, for example, phylogenetic relatedness to previously characterized actinomycetes or seawater requirements for growth, to recognize isolates with adaptations to the ocean in an effort to select for marine-derived actinomycete to be used for further chemical studies. Marine microbial environments are an important source of novel bioactive natural products and, together with methods such as genome mining for detection of strains with biotechnological potential, ecological strategies can bring useful insights in the selection and identification of marine-derived actinomycetes for novel natural product discovery.

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