Ebb and flow of the chloroplast inverted repeat

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 252 - Trang 195-206 - 1996
S. E. Goulding1, K. H. Wolfe1, R. G. Olmstead2, C. W. Morden3
1Department of Genetics, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
2Department of Botany, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
3Department of Botany/H.E.B.P., University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA

Tóm tắt

The endpoints of the large inverted repeat (IR) of chloroplast DNA in flowering plants differ by small amounts between species. To quantify the extent of this movement and define a possible mechanism for IR expansion, DNA sequences across the IR—large single-copy (IR-LSC) junctions were compared among 13Nicotiana species and other dicots. In mostNicotiana species the IR terminates just upstream of, or somewhere within, the 5′ portion of therps19 gene. The truncated copy of this gene,rps19′, varies in length even between closely related species but is of constant size within a single species. InNicotiana, six differentrps19′ structures were found. A phylogenetic tree ofNicotiana species based on restriction site data shows that the IR has both expanded and contracted during the evolution of this genus. Gene conversion is proposed to account for these small and apparently random IR expansions. A large IR expansion of over 12 kb has occurred inNicotiana acuminata. The new IR-LSC junction in this species lies within intron 1 of theclpP gene. This rearrangement occurred via a double-strand DNA break and recombination between poly (A) tracts inclpP intron 1 and upstream ofrps19. Nicotiana acuminata chloroplast DNA contains a ‘molecular fossil’ of the IR-LSC junction that existed prior to this dramatic rearrangement.

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