Early Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy and Geochemistry, Northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan: Implications for Paleoclimate and Paleoecological Conditions
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Early Jurassic- to Early Cretaceous-age calcareous nannofossils from the Sarki, Sehkanyian, Sargelu, Naokelekan, Barsarin and Chia Gara formations are investigated for the first time from the Warte area, northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan. A range of isotopic and inorganic geochemical analyses are carried out in order to reconstruct the paleoecological and paleoclimatic conditions during which the Sarki, Sehkanyian, Sargelu, Naokelekan, Barsarin and Chia Gara formations were deposited. The age of the Sargelu Formation was determined as Bajocian–Callovian based on the first occurrence of Cyclagelosphaera margerelii, Watznaueria britannica, W. fossacincta, W. manivitiae, Watznaueria barnesiae and Watznaueria ovata. Geochemical proxies (Sr, Ca, Al, Rb/Sr, Sr/Cu and Sr/Ba) for paleoclimate and paleoecological conditions, along with oxygen isotopes (δ18O) data, suggest that warm and arid climatic conditions were predominant during the Early Jurassic–Early Cretaceous period.
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