Early Childhood Education Policy Development in China

Xinlin Zhou1
1Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, East China Normal University, China, 3663 North Zhong Shan Road, Shanghai, 200062, China

Tóm tắt


Great progress in the field of early childhood education policy in China has been made in 2010. In the light of the National Plan for Medium and the Long-term Program for Education Reform and Development, the Chinese government has made a series of efforts aimed at promoting the development of early childhood education. The new policies include an increase in the 3-year early childhood program enrollment; the clarification of the governments’ main responsibilities for the provision of early childhood education; an increase of funding for early childhood education, (especially for disadvantaged children); the strengthening of teacher capacity; and the strengthening of program quality and management amongst other changes. Each province has developed a 3-year Action Plan to implement the policy. The challenges for the implementation of the new policy are also discussed.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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