ERP integration in a healthcare environment: a case study

Journal of Enterprise Information Management - Tập 19 Số 1 - Trang 115-130 - 2006
Constantinos J.Stefanou1, AndreasRevanoglou1
1Department of Accounting, TEI of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Tóm tắt


Aims at providing a classification of the ERP integration concept in a healthcare organization and at presenting a real world example of process integration using SAP R/3.


Research is based on a case study involving in‐depth semi‐structured interviews with key stakeholders and action research conducted in the hospital during the ERP implementation period.


Findings suggest that an apparently simple software implementation of an ordering process can have a considerable impact on stakeholders in a complex environment operating ERP software. Organizational change issues, implementation and integration issues of SAP R/3 with other non‐SAP systems and SCM considerations are discussed.


Analyzes enterprise integration concept specifically in a healthcare environment and describes a real world process integration solution (missing from the literature) achieved by using SAP R/3 software.

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