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Bahls L. C., 1993, Periphyton Bioassessment Methods for Montana Streams, 38
Cuffney T. F. M. E.Gurtz andM. R.Meador 1993a.Methods for Collecting Benthic Invertebrate Samples as Part of the National Water‐Quality Assessment Program.U.S. Geological Survey Open‐File Report 93–406 Raleigh North Carolina 66pp.
Cuffney T. F. M. E.Gurtz andM. R.Meador 1993b.Guidelines for the Processing and Quality Assurance of Benthic Invertebrate Samples Collected as Part of the National Water‐Quality Assessment Program.U.S. Geological Survey Open‐File Report 93–407 Raleigh North Carolina 80pp.
Cuffney T. F. M. R.Meador S. D.Porter andM. E.Gurtz 1997.Distribution of Fish Benthic Invertebrate and Algal Communities in Relation to Physical and Chemical Conditions Yakima River Basin Washington 1990.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐ Resources Investigations Report 96–4280 94pp.
Fitzpatrick F. A.andE. M. P.Giddings 1997.Stream Habitat Characteristics of Fixed Sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages Michigan and Wisconsin 1993–95.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 95–4211‐B Madison Wisconsin 58pp.
Fitzpatrick F. A. E. M.Peterson andJ. S.Stewart 1996.Habitat Characteristics of Benchmark Streams in Agricultural Areas of Eastern Wisconsin.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 96–4038 Madison Wisconsin 35pp.
Fitzpatrick F. A. I. R.Waite P. J.D'Arconte M. R.Meador M. A.Maupin andM. E.Gurtz 1998.Revised Methods for Characterizing Stream Habitat in the National Water‐Quality Assessment Program.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 93–4052 Madison Wisconsin 67pp.
Goldstein R. M. J. C.Stauffer P. R.Larson andD. L.Lorenz 1996.Relation of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Streams to Fish Communities in the Red River of the North Basin Minnesota and North Dakota 1993–95.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 96–4227 Mounds View Minnesota 57pp.
Hill M. O., 1979, DECORANA‐A FORTRAN Program for Arranging Multivariate Data in an Ordered Two‐Way Table by Classification of the Individuals and Attributes, 60
Hilsenhoff W. L., 1987, An Improved Biotic Index of Organic Stream Pollution, The Great Lakes Entomologist, 20, 31
Iman R. L., 1983, A Modern Approach to Statistics, 497
Johnson R. A., 1992, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 642
Krug W. R. D. H.Conger andW. A.Gebert 1992.Flood‐Frequency Characteristics of Wisconsin Streams.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 91–4128 Madison Wisconsin 185pp.
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Lenz B. N.andM. A.Miller 1996.Comparison of Aquatic Macroin‐ vertebrate Samples Collected Using Different Field Methods.U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 96–216 Madison Wisconsin 4pp.
Lenz B. N.andS. J.Rheaume 2000.Benthic Invertebrates of Fixed Sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages Wisconsin and Michigan 1993–1995. U.S. Geological Survey Water‐ Resources Investigations Report 95–4211‐D.
Lillesand T. J.Chipman D.Nagel H.Reese M.Bobo andR.Goldman 1998.Upper Midwest Gap Analysis Program Image Processing Protocol.U.S. Geological Survey Environmental Management Technical Center EMTC 98‐GOOl 25pp.
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Lyons J., 2000, Influence of Intensive Rotational Grazing on Bank Erosion, Fish Habitat Quality, and Fish Communities in Southwestern Wisconsin Trout Streams, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 55, 271
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Meador M. R. T. F.Cuffney andM. E.Gurtz 1993a.Methods for Sampling Fish Communities as Part of the National Water‐ Quality Assessment Program.U.S. Geological Survey Open‐File Report 93–104 Raleigh North Carolina 40pp.
Meador M. R. C. R.Hupp T. F.Cuffney andM. E.Gurtz 1993b.Methods for Characterizing Stream Habitat as Part of the National Water‐Quality Assessment Program.U.S. Geological Survey Open‐File Report 93–408 Raleigh North Carolina 48pp.
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Omernik J. M.andA. L.Gallant 1988.Ecoregions of the Upper Midwest States. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Research Laboratory EPA/600/3–88/037 Corvallis Oregon 56 pp. 1 map.
Porter S. D. T. F.Cuffney M. E.Gurtz andM. R.Meador 1993.Methods for Collecting Algal Samples as Part of the National Water‐Quality Assessment Program.U.S. Geological Survey Open‐File Report 93–409 Raleigh North Carolina 39pp.
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Rheaume S. J. J. S.Stewart andB. N.Lenz 1996a.Environmental Setting of Benchmark Streams in Agricultural Areas of Eastern Wisconsin.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 96–4038‐A Madison Wisconsin 50pp.
Rheaume S. J. B. N.Lenz andB. C.Scudder 1996b.Benthic Invertebrates of Benchmark Streams in Agricultural Areas of Eastern Wisconsin‐Western Lake Michigan Drainages.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 96‐ 4038‐C Madison Wisconsin 39pp.
Richards C., 1996, Landscape‐Scale Influences on Stream Habitats and Biota, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 53, 295, 10.1139/f96-006
Rosenberg D. M., 1993, Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates, 488
Saad D. A. 1997.Effects of Land Use and Geohydrology on the Quality of Shallow Ground Water in Two Agricultural Areas in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages Wisconsin.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 96–4292 Madison Wisconsin 69pp.
Scudder B. C., 2001, Benthic Algae of Benchmark Streams in Agricultural Areas of Eastern Wisconsin, 46
Shelton L. R., 1994, Field Guide for Collecting and Processing Stream‐Water Samples for the National Water‐Quality Assessment Program, 42
Simonson T. D., 1994, Guidelines for Evaluation of Fish Habitat in Wisconsin Streams, 36
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Stauffer J. C., 2000, Relationship of Wooded Riparian Zones and Runoff Potential to Fish Community Composition in Agricultural Streams, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 57, 468, 10.1139/f99-197
Sullivan D. J. 1997.Fish Communities of Fixed Sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages Wisconsin and Michigan 1993‐ 95.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 95–4211‐C Madison Wisconsin 23pp.
Sullivan D. J.andE. M.Peterson 1997.Fish Communities of Benchmark Streams in Agricultural Areas of Eastern Wisconsin.U.S. Geological Survey Water‐Resources Investigations Report 96–4038‐C Madison Wisconsin 23pp.
Sullivan D. J. E. M.Peterson andK. D.Richards 1995.Environmental Setting of Fixed Sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages Michigan and Wisconsin.U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 95–4211‐A 30pp.
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