Dynamics of cooperative games
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Charnes, A., andK. Kortanek: On Classes of Convex and Preemptive Nuclei forn-Person Games, Proceeding of the Princeton Symposium on Mathematical Programming, ed. by H.W. Kuhn, pp. 377–390, Princeton 1970.
Davis, M., andM. Maschler: The Kernel of a Cooperative Game, Nav. Res. Log. Quart.12, pp. 223–259, 1965.
Keane, M.A.: Some Topics inn-Person Game Theory, Ph. D. thesis, Dept.of Mathematics, Northwestern U., Evanston, Ill. 1969.
Owen, G.: A Note on the Shapley Value, Management Science14, pp. 731–732, 1968.
Rockafellar, R.T.: Convex Analysis, Princeton 1970.
Sondermann, D.: Existence of Stable Profict Distributions in Coalition Production Economies, Core Discussion Paper D.P. No. 7141, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, University Catholique de Louvain, Heverlee, Belgium, November, 1971, Revised June, 1972.
Spinetto, R.D.: Solution Concepts ofn-Person Cooperative Games as Points in the Game Space, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Operations Research, Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y., 1971. Also published under same title as Tech. Report No. 138. Dept. of Operations Research, Cornell U., Ithaca, August, 1971. Partially published as “The Geometry of Solution Concepts forn-Person Cooperative Games,” Management Science20, pp. 1292–1299, 1974.
Von Neumann, J., andO. Morgenstern: Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton 1944, third edition 1953.
Wang, L.S. Y.: On Dynamic Theories forn-Person Games, Ph. D. thesis, Center for Applied Mathematics, Ithaca, N.Y., 1974.