Drug Development in the 21st Century: The Synergy of Public, Private, and International Collaboration

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science - Tập 47 - Trang 375-383 - 2013
Frank E. Casty1, Matthew S. Wieman1
1Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc, Malvern, USA

Tóm tắt

The traditional economic model for drug development by leading pharmaceutical companies in the developed world has yielded diminishing returns in recent years, with large pharmaceutical companies relying less on research and development and more on cost cutting and obtaining promising drug candidates through mergers and acquisitions. Concurrently, drug companies in emerging markets have flourished under a different economic model characterized by public-private partnerships, government subsidy, and profitable marketing of generic drugs. These companies are now focusing on research and development of innovative drug candidates, including drugs that treat neglected diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis. However, drug companies in developing countries may lack the expertise of leading drug companies to navigate the complicated regulatory system. This article highlights an opportunity for companies with drug development expertise to partner with companies in the developing world with innovative pipeline drugs.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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