Dramatic losses of specialist arable plants in C entral G ermany since the 1950s/60s – a cross‐regional analysis
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To assess the consequences of agricultural intensification since the 1950s for
We employed a semipermanent plot design to analyse changes in 392 field interiors for 10 study regions, including sandy, limestone and loamy sites between the 1950s/60s and 2009.
The analysis revealed a reduction in the regional species pool during the 50‐year period of 23% (from 301 to 233 vascular species) and dramatic losses in plot‐level diversity (from medians of 24 to 7). Median cover of spontaneously growing arable plants decreased from 30% to 3%. Losses were disproportionally larger on limestone sites while sandy sites maintained a larger fraction of the original diversity. Archaeophytes, neophytes and most
Vegetation change over time depended on soil substrate with once markedly different arable communities now showing more homogenized community structure. Increasing
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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