Drainage and Agricultural Development

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 223-235 - 2000
Lambert K. Smedema, Safwat Abdel-Dayem, Walter J. Ochs

Tóm tắt

This paper explores the role of drainage as aninstrument for agricultural and rural development andthe related drainage development forces and processes.Five specific roles of drainage are distinguished:foodproduction, agricultural intensification anddiversification, sustainable irrigated land use, ruraldevelopment and environmental protection. Specialattention is given to the drainage development needsof the developing countries. It is argued that whileat early stages of agricultural development, drainagedevelopment is generally driven by ongoingagricultural development, at later stages ofdevelopment these roles often reverse withagricultural development risking to become stagnatedwhen drainage is not improved. These relationshipsshould be taken into account in the design of drainagedevelopment programs and projects. It is emphasizedthat improved drainage can contribute to establishinga more diversified, competitive and sustainable typeof agriculture, enhance sanitary and public healthconditions and generally contribute to ruraldevelopment, rural well being and poverty alleviation.Drainage development in the developing countries ishowever often severely constrained by the lack of supporting public policies, institutional frameworksand professional cadres. Overcoming these constraintsshould be given high priority on the national andinternational drainage development agendas.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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