Do health selection effects last? A comparison of morbidity rates for elderly adult immigrants and US-born elderly persons

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 317-339 - 1997
Karen C. Swallen1
1Population Studies Center, The University of Michigan, USA

Tóm tắt

This paper uses the Assets and Health Dynamics of the Oldest Old(AHEAD) data set to examine the influence of nativity on the healthstatus, measured by self-reported presence of chronic diseases, ofthe elderly US-resident population. In particular, age at time ofmigration is used to examine the potential lingering influence ofself-selection for good health among immigrants who entered the USAas adults. Bivariate analyses and logistic regression models arepresented. The results of these analyses show that the influence ofpositive selection for health varies depending on the diseasestudied. Self-selection for good health is maintained for cancer,heart disease, stroke, and lung disease. This self-selection effectis seen after controlling for socioeconomic factors and healthbehaviors. While these latter factors are more influential, thisstudy indicates that good health in a population at young ages ismaintained throughout the lifespan.

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