Distributed Detect-and-Avoid for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in National Air Space

Mohammad Sarim1, Mohammadreza Radmanesh1, Matthew Dechering1, Manish Kumar1, Ravikumar Pragada2, Kelly Cohen3
1Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221 e-mail:
2InterDigital, Inc., Conshohocken, PA 19428 e-mail:
3Professor Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221 e-mail:

Tóm tắt

Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have the potential to revolutionize various applications in civilian domain such as disaster management, search and rescue operations, law enforcement, precision agriculture, and package delivery. As the number of such UAVs rise, a robust and reliable traffic management is needed for their integration in national airspace system (NAS) to enable real-time, reliable, and safe operation. Management of UAVs traffic in NAS becomes quite challenging due to issues such as real-time path planning of large number of UAVs, communication delays, operational uncertainties, failures, and noncooperating agents. In this work, we present a novel UAV traffic management (UTM) architecture that enables the integration of such UAVs in NAS. A combined A*–mixed integer linear programming (MILP)-based solution is presented for initial path planning of multiple UAVs with individual mission requirements and dynamic constraints. We also present a distributed detect-and-avoid (DAA) algorithm based on the concept of resource allocation using a market-based approach. The results demonstrate the scalability, optimality, and ability of the proposed approach to provide feasible solutions that are versatile in dynamic environments.

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