Development of PCR markers for the selection of wheat stem rust resistance genes Sr24 and Sr26 in diverse wheat germplasm

Theoretical and Applied Genetics - Tập 111 - Trang 496-504 - 2005
R. Mago1, H. S. Bariana2, I. S. Dundas3, W. Spielmeyer1, G. J. Lawrence1, A. J. Pryor1, J. G. Ellis1
1CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra, Australia
2Plant Breeding Institute Cobbitty, University of Sydney, Camden, Australia
3School of Agriculture and Wine, Waite Campus, The University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, Australia

Tóm tắt

The use of major resistance genes is the most cost-effective strategy for preventing stem rust epidemics in Australian wheat crops. The long-term success of this strategy is dependent on combining resistance genes that are effective against all predominant races of the pathogen, a task greatly assisted by the use of molecular markers linked to individual resistance genes. The wheat stem rust resistance genes Sr24 and Sr26 (derived from Agropyron elongatum) and SrR and Sr31 (derived from rye) are available in wheat as segments of alien chromosome translocated to wheat chromosomes. Each of these genes provides resistance to all races of wheat stem rust currently found in Australia .We have developed robust PCR markers for Sr24 and Sr26 (this study) and SrR and Sr31 (previously reported) that are applicable across a wide selection of Australian wheat germplasm. Wheat lines have recently become available in which the size of the alien segments containing Sr26, SrR and Sr31 has been reduced. Newly developed PCR-markers can be used to identify the presence of the shorter alien segment in all cases. Assuming that these genes have different gene-for-gene specificities and that the wheat industry will discourage the use of varieties carrying single genes only, the newly developed PCR markers will facilitate the incorporation of two or more of the genes Sr24, Sr26, SrR and Sr31 into wheat lines and have the potential to provide durable control to stem rust in Australia and elsewhere.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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