Developing a conceptual model of lead performance measurement and benchmarking

Emerald - 2008
RodneyMcAdam1, Shirley‐AnnHazlett2, KarenAnderson‐Gillespie3
1University of Ulster, Belfast, UK
2School of Management, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK
3Belfast City Council, Belfast, UK

Tóm tắt


Environmental turbulence including rapid changes in technology and markets has resulted in the need for new approaches to performance measurement and benchmarking. There is a need for studies that attempt to measure and benchmark upstream, leading or developmental aspects of organizations. Therefore, the aim of this paper is twofold. The first is to conduct an in‐depth case analysis of lead performance measurement and benchmarking leading to the further development of a conceptual model derived from the extant literature and initial survey data. The second is to outline future research agendas that could further develop the framework and the subject area.


A multiple case analysis involving repeated in‐depth interviews with managers in organisational areas of upstream influence in the case organisations.


It was found that the effect of external drivers for lead performance measurement and benchmarking was mediated by organisational context factors such as level of progression in business improvement methods. Moreover, the legitimation of the business improvement methods used for this purpose, although typical, had been extended beyond their original purpose with the development of bespoke sets of lead measures.

Practical implications

Examples of methods and lead measures are given that can be used by organizations in developing a programme of lead performance measurement and benchmarking.


There is a paucity of in‐depth studies relating to the theory and practice of lead performance measurement and benchmarking in organisations.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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