Determination of double-K criterion for crack propagation in quasi-brittle fracture, Part III: Compact tension specimens and wedge splitting specimens

International Journal of Fracture Mechanics - Tập 98 Số 2 - Trang 179-193 - 1999
Xu, Shilang1, Reinhardt, Hans W.1
1Institute of Construction Materials, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Tóm tắt

This paper shows how the double-K fracture parameters K Ic ini and K Ic un can be determined for concrete using CT-specimens and wedge splitting specimens. The experimental results collected from the fracture tests the very large size CT-specimens and small size wedge splitting specimens carried out by many researchers are utilized to investigate the characters of the obtained double-K fracture parameters K Ic ini and K Ic un . It was found that the double-K fracture parameters K Ic ini and K Ic un determined from fracture tests on the large size CT-specimens are size-independent. And the values of K Ic ini and K Ic un determined from small size wedge splitting specimens with same dimensions are independent of the relative preformed notch length a0/D. However, when the dimensions of small size wedge splitting specimens change from 150×150×150 mm3 to 450×450×450 mm3, the values of K Ic ini and K Ic un slightly depend on the heights of the specimens and do not depend on the thickness of the specimens.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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