Data cache locking for tight timing calculations
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Caches have become increasingly important with the widening gap between main memory and processor speeds. Small and fast cache memories are designed to bridge this discrepancy. However, they are only effective when programs exhibit sufficient data locality. In addition, caches are a source of unpredictability, resulting in programs sometimes behaving in a different way than expected. Detailed information about the number of cache misses and their causes allows us to predict cache behavior and to detect bottlenecks. Small modifications in the source code may change memory patterns, thereby altering the cache behavior. Code transformations, which take the cache behavior into account, might result in a high cache performance improvement. However, cache memory behavior is very hard to predict, thus making the task of optimizing and timing cache behavior very difficult. This article proposes and evaluates a new compiler framework that times cache behavior for multitasking systems. Our method explores the use of
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