Cyclosporin A treatment in two cases of corneal peripheral melting syndrome
Tóm tắt
One patient with the clinical diagnosis of Wegener's disease suffered from bilateral progressive uveitis and corneal melting which did not react to steroid and immunosuppressive therapy. Cyclosporin A produced dramatic improvement within 5 days, of both the uveitis and the corneal melting. The second patient had severe progressive corneal melting and scieral melting in one eye, which did not react to corticosteroid therapy or grafting of the defects. The corneal melting stopped completely on Cyclosporin A therapy for two months. Gum hypertrophy was only seen as a side effect of cyclosporin A therapy in one patient, no severe side effects such as kidney or liver dysfunctions were noted.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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