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Sensory SystemsOphthalmologyPhysiology (medical)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Binocular visual form deprivation in human infants
Tập 55 - Trang 237-249 - 1983
I. Mohindra, S. G. Jacobson, R. Held
Visual acuity was measured with a preferential looking technique in infants and toddlers with binocular form deprivation. Of the 10 children in the study, there were 5 with congenital cataracts and 5 with uncorrected high refractive errors. Infants with cataract surgery before 2 months of age showed normal early development of visual acuity. A 4 to 6 month delay before treatment resulted in reduced acuity but recovery subsequently occurred. Infants with high hyperopia or astigmatism showed no acuity deficits in the first year of life when tested with optical correction. One case of early meridional amblyopia was detected in the third year of life. The deficit was not permanent and, after a period of optical correction, there was recovery of visual acuity to normal levels.
Value of orthoptics in pre-and post-surgical management of strabismus
Tập 34 - Trang 271-283 - 1973
T. Keith Lyle
Orthoptics as an aid to the diagnosis and assessment of a case of strabismus is of great value, and so it is in the evaluation of the result of treatment. But orthoptic treatment in the form of exercises, although important in certain cases, has its limitations, for instance it is useless unless the patient is old enough to be fully co-operative. Indeed if a child suffers from a non-paralytic convergent strabismus which started in earliest infancy and if the correct treatment is given at an early stage it will be too soon for any form of orthoptic exercise. In such circumstances the prevention and correction of amblyopia by means of occlusion and the full correction of refractive errors are the most important initially, to be followed by surgical treatment if indicated. The necessity for keeping a patient under observation for many years after treatment appears to be completed is emphasized, especially when amblyopia had to be overcome initially or when the function of binocular vision has been unstable. Examples of typical cases are shown.
Refractive surgery for high myopia
Tập 75 - Trang 335-341 - 1990
J. G. F. Worst, G. Van Der Veen, L. I. Los
Surgical correction of high myopia is indicated in a limited number of cases. Techniques include (epi)keratophakia, keratomileusis and implantation of a negative-power IOL. The iris claw lens, fixed to the midperiphery of the iris, has proved its safety in aphakic eyes. The model has been adapted by giving it a vault in order to make it suitable for implantation in high myopic phakic eyes. The implantation technique and short-term results of patients operated by Worst are presented.
Cataract and UV radiation
Tập 88 - Trang 201-204 - 1995
Simon P. Wolff
The idea that UV radiation causes cataract has superficial biological plausibility based upon studies of UV-B on lens components, whole lenses and experimental animals. However, epidemiological studies on man, particularly geographical studies, are highly confounded by socioeconomic factors and yield little information. Population-based exposure-cataract studies are preferable since UV incidence versus UV exposure can be weighted with respect to risk and protective factors. However, the cataractogenic potency of UV seems to be low and certainly lower than the cataractogenic potency of factors such as repeated diarrhoea so that it is doubtful whether a clear answer to the question ‘Does UV cause cataract’ will ever be provided.
A new ultrasonic apparatus for ophthalmology using manual compound scanning
Tập 43 - Trang 137-146 - 1977
Akihiro Kaneko, Sadawo Shigeyama, Rokuro Uchida
A new ultrasonic equipment for ophthalmological diagnosis has been developed. Manual compound scanning using water immersion made acurate representation of cross-section of the orbital structure possible. A large, focused transduceer brought resolution and sensitivity. Gray scale display of the ultrasonogram increased information concerning intensity of echoes. Ultrasonograms of retinoblastoma, vitreous hemorrhage, melanocytoma, optic disc coloboma and unilateral exophthalmos are presented.
William Fisher Norris: A Philadelphia ophthalmologist
Tập 89 - Trang 45-57 - 1995
William C. Frayer
In 1870, William Fisher Norris returned from studies abroad to find himself at the forefront of new developments in American ophthalmology. Recognition of the specialty was just beginning and Norris was named Professor of Ophthalmology in the department just established at the University of Pennsylvania. Norris was well-qualified for the job. As a member of a prominent Philadelphia family he had the right connections. He was dedicated to the science of ophthalmology and to medical education. He was a born leader, bending his efforts toward the development of a new department, and recruiting a faculty all dedicated to the creation of a new and better specialty.
Cotton-thread tear test: an experimental study for testing drugs suspected of side effects on lacrimation
Tập 58 - Trang 307-315 - 1984
Louis Thörig, Moshe Halperin, Nicolaas J. van Haeringen
We tested tear fluid production and lacrimal peroxidase secretion in rats without and with drug consumption with the cotton-thread tear test. Twelve frequently prescribed drugs in patients were given in recommended therapeutic and excessive doses to rats. Daily oral doses during five days of Sudafed Plus® (chlorpheniramine/pseudoephedrine combination), promethazine, atropine, timolol, aspirin, diazepam and fuiosemide equivalent to the doses used for adult humans on a drug-to-body-weight basis or excessive doses, resulted in about 20–60% reduction of tearing. Changes in lacrimal peroxidase secretion were found after administration of atropine, aspirin, furosemide, indomethacine and pilocarpine. Generally, tear production and lacrimal peroxidase secretion returned to baseline levels after withdrawal of the drugs.
The computer in clinical research. Prevalence of glaucoma
Tập 43 - Trang 17-21 - 1977
S. W. Hyams, C. Keroub, E. Pokotilo
The prevalence of glaucoma in a rural population of 6232 people over the age of 40 years, including patients with previously diagnosed glaucoma, was found to be 1.21%. There were 41 cases of open-angle glaucoma compared to 32 cases of angleclosure glaucoma. The prevalence of glaucoma among subjects over the age of 60 years was 3.07%.
Abstracts: XLVI ISCEV International Symposium Morgantown, West Virginia, July 10–15, 2008
Tập 117 Số S1 - Trang 11-62 - 2008
Michael Bach, J. Vernon Odom, Aina Puce, Sven P. Heinrich, Michael A. Crognale, Jennifer Highsmith, Benjamin M. Ramsden, Clinton Garret Cooper, Laura J. Frishman, Pierre Lachapelle, Mineo Kondo, Takao Sakai, Keiichi Komeima, Y. Kurimoto, Yuji Nishizawa, Jiro Usukura, Takashi Fujikado, Yasuo Tano, Hiroko Terasaki, Naoyuki Tanimoto, Marijana Samardzija, Johannes von Lintig, Vitus Oberhauser, Markus Thiersch, Charlotte E. Remé, T. Michael Redmond, Christian Grimm, Andreas Wenzel, Mathias W. Seeliger, Bo Liu, Keqing Zhang, Yongping Yue, Dongsheng Duan, Neal S. Peachey, Ruth Hamilton, Laura McGlone, Helen Mactier, Michael S. Bradnam, Richard Boulton, William Borland, Mary Hepburn, Daphne L. McCulloch, María Sancho‐Tello, Marí­a Muriach, Jorge M. Barcia, Francisco Bosch‐Morell, J Genove, Siv Johnsen-Soriano, Belén Romero, Inmaculada Almansa, M Dı ́az-Llopis, S Garcı ́a-Delpech, J ́4, Concepción Vilela, Freddy Romero, Silvina C. Mema, Sharee Kuny, Françoise Gaillard, K Zhang, Ian A. Macdonald, M. T. Clandinin, Y Sauve Úniversity, K.–M. Zhang, Lizeth Reyes Ruíz, Abhiram S. Vilupuru, Barbara Feldmann, W. Orilla, Tzong-Shyan Lin, Y Li, Clayton S. Spada, María del Carmen Álvarez Escobar, Corine Ghosn, James A. Burke, Anthony C. Fisher, Stephen Lake, Richard Hagan, M. W. Brown, Rohit Shetty, Mathew Kurian, Ajoy Vincent, Bhujang Shetty
Ophthalmology in Europe in the days of the French Revolution
Tập 81 - Trang 97-101 - 1992
P. Bregeat, P. Amalric
The authors highlight the political and scientific landmarks in 18th century France; the Revolution of 1789 had positive effects, in that it marked the accession of the French middle-class to political power and enabled the promotion of young scientists without consideration of social class or fortune; it had negative effects, in that France lost the scientific edge it had gained when all existing chairs in ophthalmology were abolished. The status of ophthalmology and of physiological optics in the 18th century are discussed, with a brief mention of the most important innovators in the field.