Customer usage intention of mobile commerce in India: an empirical study
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Mobile commerce is a broad term used for mobile banking, mobile ticketing, mobile coupons, purchasing of goods and services using mobile phones. Considering mobile penetration and changing lifestyles of the Indian population, it has huge potential. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors influencing the adoption intention of mobile commerce.
For the study, a research model was developed based on constructs from the technology acceptance model and innovation resistance theory and a literature review on research related to usage intention of similar technologies which was then empirically tested using second generation statistical technique of SEM.
Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and social influence are found to be significant dimensions of technology adoption readiness to use mobile commerce while facilitating conditions were not found to be significant. The results also indicate perceived credibility risk defined by security risk and privacy risk is significantly associated with behavioural intention in negative relation, which indicates that security and privacy concerns are important in deterring customers from using mobile commerce.
This study proposed and validated a new construct – technology adoption readiness. The study developed an integrated model for behavioural intention towards financial innovations.
Knowing the factors affecting customers' behaviour towards mobile commerce and the relationship between these factors, various banks, merchants and mobile service providers can develop their marketing strategies to ensure that people use this new service. This in turn will influence the behavioural intention and change these intentions to actual adoption of this new technology.
This study is one of the few empirical studies which have investigated the adoption of mobile commerce in India, which is considered one of the fastest growing countries in terms of mobile usage. The study relates to inclusion of both utilitarian and credibility aspect of adoption intention. It gives an empirical basis on which mobile and banking companies can base their mobile payments marketing strategy.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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