Curriculum Emphases, Mathematics and Teaching Practices: Swedish Upper-Secondary Physics Teachers’ Views

Lena Hansson1, Örjan Hansson1, Kristina Juter1, Andréas Redfors1
1LISMA, Kristianstad University, SE-291 88, Kristianstad, Sweden

Tóm tắt


This article addresses physics teachers’ views about physics teaching in upper-secondary school. Their views have been investigated nationwide through a web-based questionnaire. The questionnaire has been developed based on several published instruments and is part of an ongoing project on the role of mathematics in physics teaching at upper-secondary school. The selected part of the results from the analysis of the questionnaire reported on here cross-correlate physics teachers’ views about aims of physics teaching with their view of physics classroom activities, and perceived hindrances in the teaching of physics. Three hundred seventy-nine teachers responded to the questionnaire (45% response rate). The result indicates that teachers with a high agreement with aFundamental Physicscurriculum emphasis regarded mathematics as a problem for physics teaching, whereas teachers with high agreement with the curriculum emphasesPhysics,Technology and SocietyorKnowledge Development in Physicsdid not do so. This means that teachers with a main focus on fundamental theories and concepts believe that mathematics is a problem to a higher extent than teachers with main focus on the role of physics in society and applied aspects or physics knowledge development do. Consequences for teaching and further research are discussed.

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