Crowdsourcing to manage service gaps in service networks

Emerald - Tập 34 Số 7 - Trang 1497-1505 - 2019
Amanda Blair1, Thomas Martin Key2, Matthew Wilson3
1Industrial Economics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
2Department of Marketing, Strategy and International Business, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
3Department of Marketing and Hospitality Services Administration, Central Michigan University, Mt Pleasant, Michigan, USA

Tóm tắt

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and conceptualize how crowdsourcing can be implemented as a potential means to address gaps in service quality within service networks and to provide guidance to marketing practitioners on the use of crowdsourcing within service networks. Design/methodology/approach This paper conceptualizes how crowdsourcing can be used to address service quality gaps in service networks and provides propositions regarding the effects of crowdsourcing on service quality gaps. Findings Conceptual paper with a literature review, suggested a model for service quality gaps in service networks and propositions regarding the effects of crowdsourcing to manage service quality gaps. Research limitations/implications This research contributes to the literature on crowdsourcing by theorizing how crowdsourcing impacts service quality in service networks. Practical implications Considerations for managers implementing crowdsourcing strategies and activities within service networks are provided. In particular, implications with regard to forming the crowd, developing the most appropriate approach and integrating value into the firm are discussed. Originality/value This paper offers an original contribution linking crowdsourcing to service quality.

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