Phân tích chi phí-lợi ích của điều trị không dùng thuốc cho bệnh tăng huyết áp
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Tài liệu tham khảo
Statistiska centralbyrån, 1989, Statistical Abstract of Sweden 1990
OECD, 1987, Financing and Delivering Health Care, A Comparative Analysis of OECD Countries
Kannel WB, 1987, The Framingham Study: an Epidemiological Investigation of Cardiovascular Disease, Section 34, Some Risk Factors Related to the Annual Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease and Death Using Pooled Repeated Biennial Measurements, 30‐Year Follow‐up
National Board of Health and Welfare Drug Information Committee, 1987, Treatment of Mild Hypertension
JohannessonM. BorgquistL. JönssonB. RåstamL.The costs of treating hypertension ‐ an analysis of different cut‐off points. Health Policy 1991.
Läkemedelsstatistik AB., Medical Index Sweden April‐September 1989
Tibblin G., 1987, Non‐pharmacological treatment of hypertension in two steps. 1‐year report from eight health centres, Acta Med Scand, 105
Rosén M., 1988, Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Factors ‐ a Challenge for Public Intervention, 121
Läkemedelsinformation AB., 1988, FASS 1988, Farmacevtiska Specialiteter i Sverige
Mitchell RC, 1989, Using Surveys to Value Public Goods