Construction of CuS/Au Heterostructure through a Simple Photoreduction Route for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution and Photocatalysis
Tóm tắt
An efficient Hydrogen evolution catalyst has been developed by decorating Au nanoparticle on the surface of CuS nanostructure following a green and environmental friendly approach. CuS nanostructure is synthesized through a simple wet-chemical route. CuS being a visible light photocatalyst is introduced to function as an efficient reducing agent. Photogenerated electron is used to reduce Au(III) on the surface of CuS to prepare CuS/Au heterostructure. The as-obtained heterostructure shows excellent performance in electrochemical H2 evolution reaction with promising durability in acidic condition, which could work as an efficient alternative for novel metals. The most efficient CuS-Au heterostructure can generate 10 mA/cm2 current density upon application of 0.179 V vs. RHE. CuS-Au heterostructure can also perform as an efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of organic pollutant. This dual nature of CuS and CuS/Au both in electrocatalysis and photocatalysis has been unveiled in this study.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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