Comprehensive study of skid-steer wheeled mobile robots: development and challenges

Industrial Robot - Tập 48 Số 1 - Trang 142-156 - 2021
Rameez Khan1, Fahad Mumtaz Malik1, Abid Raza1, Naveed Mazhar1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan

Tóm tắt


The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive and unified presentation of recent developments in skid-steer wheeled mobile robots (SSWMR) with regard to its control, guidance and navigation for the researchers who wish to study in this field.


Most of the contemporary unmanned ground robot’s locomotion is based upon the wheels. For wheeled mobile robots (WMRs), one of the prominent and widely used driving schemes is skid steering. Because of mechanical simplicity and high maneuverability particularly in outdoor applications, SSWMR has an advantage over its counterparts. Different prospects of SSWMR have been discussed including its design, application, locomotion, control, navigation and guidance. The challenges pertaining to SSWMR have been pointed out in detail, which will seek the attention of the readers, who are interested to explore this area.


Relying on the recent literature on SSWMR, research gaps are identified that should be analyzed for the development of autonomous skid-steer wheeled robots.


An attempt to present a comprehensive review of recent advancements in the field of WMRs and providing references to the most intriguing studies.

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