Characterization by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of the solubilization of phosphorus in iron ore by a fungus

Oxford University Press (OUP) - Tập 5 - Trang 183-189 - 1990
Edwin J. Parks1, Gregory J. Olson1, Frederick E. Brinckman1, Franco Baldi2
1Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, U.S.A.
2Department of Environmental Biology, University of Siena, Italy

Tóm tắt

The value of iron ore is adversely affected by phosphorus in concentrations over 0.03% by weight. The present research concerns the use of metabolic products of aPenicillium-like fungus to leach insoluble phosphates (hydroxyapatite) from ores. Ion chromatography was used to measure metabolism of glucose into acidic fragments. The rate and products of glucose degradation depended on both the chemical composition of the growth medium (buffered or not) and incubation conditions (shaken or quiescent). The principal products were identified as oxalic acid and isomers of propylene dicarboxylic acid, mainly itaconic acid. Continued, slow metabolism of itaconic acid generates more oxalic acid. Aliphatic acids were not detected. Both iron ore phosphate and calcium phosphate were partially solubilized by either the spent broth or aqueous oxalic acid. Solubilization of ore phosphorus was greatly assisted by hydrochloric acid added to the spent broth in small increments. The data suggest biological alternatives to costly leaching procedures that use only mineral acids.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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