Characteristics‐based innovation adoption: scale and model validation

Emerald - Tập 20 Số 5 - Trang 343-355 - 2011
Richard L.Flight1, GilesD'Souza2, Arthur W.Allaway2
1Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, USA
2The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA

Tóm tắt

PurposeThe aim of this paper is to develop a measurement scale that encompasses a wide array of product characteristics. In addition, a comprehensive model is developed and tested illustrating the relationship among product characteristics and with adoption.Design/methodology/approachUtilizing 628 respondents, a measurement scale is developed and a structural equation model is tested through a multi‐stage series of surveys. The scope of the research is consumer durable products.FindingsThis paper is successful in developing a 43‐item scale that measures 15 unique innovation characteristics. This scale is then used to test a second order model illustrating the relationships innovation characteristics have with each other and ultimately innovation adoption.Research limitations/implicationsThe major limitation this research suffers from is its lack of variety in products under analysis. For the four consumer durable products studied, the research finds significant results. However, these findings would have greater impact if they reflected a broader array of products and product classes.Originality/valueTo date there have been very few attempts to model and test in an exhaustive fashion the role innovation characteristics play during the adoption process. This current research advances Holak and Lehmann and empirically tests first and second order characteristics within the context of a structural equation model.

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