Carbohydrates and dietary fibre
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Additionally, it is clear that the effects of these various non‐digestible components of dietary fibre are not interchangeable, and it is important that fibre comes from a range of sources to ensure maximum health benefits from the fibre in the diet. Traditional ‘insoluble’ fibres are required to add bulk as well as rapidly fermentable, viscous fibres to bring about cholesterol lowering. There is also a convincing argument for including slowly fermented components, such as resistant starches, that are well tolerated in the digestive system and can bring about improvements in gut function. Currently there is insufficient data from well designed human intervention trials to make specific recommendations on the amounts of these fibre components in the diet, but it may be useful for health professionals to talk in terms of the different food sources of these types of fibre, as well as total fibre amounts.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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