Cancer Clinical Trials: Treatment Costs Associated With a Spanish National Health System Institution
Tóm tắt
Clinical trials should be part of routine health care. There is a common perception that enrolling patients into clinical trials results in additional costs. We conducted a retrospective cost analysis to compare medical costs attributable to participation in cancer treatment trials versus standard of care in a single Spanish institution. Patients recruited into cancer clinical trials between 2014 and 2016 were selected. Each research protocol was reviewed to identify trial-associated medical procedures and costs, as well as the equivalent care had the patient not been entered in the trial. Treatment cost difference was the difference between the cost of the clinical trial and that of the standard of care. A total of 68 adult patients were treated in 20 different clinical trials. The overall cost treatment of the patients included in the trials was 79% lower in comparison to the standard of care. However, the load of medical procedures was 32% higher. The average treatment cost per patient and protocol ranged from an excess of €8193 to a saving of €59,770. There is a wide range of difference in treatment costs for cancer clinical trial participants versus standard of care. Commercial trial protocols were associated with larger savings compared with the noncommercial ones, even though these may involve excess treatment costs. Overall, clinical trials provide not only the best context for progress of clinical research and health care but also creates opportunities for reducing cancer care costs.
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