Calculation of z/sub 12/ resistance for the FTSP transducer as an element of external electrical circuit
Proceedings. 3rd Annual Siberian Russian Workshop on Electron Devices and Materials - Tập 1 - Trang 5 pp. - 2002
Tóm tắt
The analytical equation for calculation of z/sub 12/ resistance of the four-terminal silicon pressure piezotransducer (FTSP transducer) is presented in this paper. The main stages of this calculation in accordance with this equation are described in details. The elastic element (EE) with silicon crystal planes (100) and [110], p- and n-types of conductivity, and various ratios of length to width are analyzed. The optimal places for location of the current spread region (CSR) of the FTSP transducer on the surface of EE and the optimal angular orientations of CSR with respect to the main crystal axes are defined for all considered cases. As a result, the sensitivity of the classic FTSP transducer with rectangular form of the CSR is calculated. The results of this calculation allows to establish the expedience of application of (100) and [110] silicon crystal planes as well as elastic elements with great ratio of length to width.
Từ khóa
#Electric resistance #Transducers #Tensile stress #Silicon #Conductivity #Nonlinear equations #Piezoresistance #Capacitive sensors #DopingTài liệu tham khảo
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