Calcium carbonate-methylene blue nanohybrids for photodynamic therapy and ultrasound imaging
Tóm tắt
Photodynamic therapy plays an important role in cancer treatment. In this work, methylene blue (MB)-embedded calcium carbonate nanorods (CaCO3-MB NRs) have been synthesized for pH-responsive photodynamic therapy and ultrasound imaging. The morphology of CaCO3-MB NRs can be controlled by modulating the concentration of Na2CO3 aqueous solution. The generation of effective reactive oxygen species (ROS) were confirmed by 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran (DPBF) probe. Both photodynamic therapy performance and echogenic performance of CaCO3-MB NRs were investigated to confirm the feasibility of CaCO3-MB nanohybrids for ultrasound image-guided photodynamic therapy.
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