Business relationships: an examination of the effects of buyer‐salesperson relationships on customer retention and willingness to refer and recommend

Emerald - Tập 12 Số 3/4 - Trang 253-264 - 1997
James S.Boles1, Hiram C.Barksdale1, Julie T.Johnson2
1Associate Professor of Marketing. Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA
2Assistant Professor of Marketing. Carolina University, Cullowhee, USA

Tóm tắt

Examines the effect of the quality of a salesperson’s relationship with a customer on the likelihood of retaining that customer’s business. Assesses the effects of high/low‐quality buyer‐salesperson relationships on obtaining referrals and recommendations from a customer. Results indicate that buyers who rated the quality of their relationship with their salesperson as above average were more likely to remain. In addition, above average buyer‐salesperson relationships were more likely to generate recommendations and referrals from customers. Suggests that a salesperson’s efforts to build relationships are rewarded by greater customer retention and increased business through referrals and recommendations.

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