Biomass partitioning and genetic analyses of salinity tolerance in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
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Biomass partitioning was studied in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) inbred lines and their hybrids differing in salinity resistance. Differential biomass partitioning was observed among resistant and susceptible lines as well as within resistant lines, which were grown in large pots. Traits such as number of dead leaves and total number of nodes may be used as dominant markers for understanding the mechanism of resistance to salinity. Multi-location trials differing for salinity levels showed low and non-significant heritabilities across the environment for biochemical traits showing their sensitivity to the environment and a significant G X E interaction. Thus selection could only possible within the salinity level for these traits. Contrastingly, morphological traits such as number of nodes showed significant heritabilities (narrow or broad sense) across the environment. These traits may be exploited by the selection of inbred lines across or with salinity levels. Among various salinity levels, 12 dSm−1 was found to be feasible for screening and selection as it promoted the additive type of gene action.
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