Barbed Sutures and Tendon Repair—a Review

HAND - Tập 10 - Trang 6-15 - 2014
Ajul Shah1, Megan Rowlands1, Alexander Au1
1Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, USA

Tóm tắt

Traumatic tendon lacerations are a common problem encountered by hand surgeons worldwide. Although the use of barbed suture to repair tendon lacerations has gained theoretical popularity in recent years, there is little information available regarding the safety, efficacy, longevity, or complications encountered when used in tenorraphy. In this study, we review the available literature on the use of barbed suture in tendon repair. Studies conducted between 1980 and 2014 were identified using several databases, including EMBASE, SCOPUS, MEDLINE, and Web of Science. Keywords used to search for appropriate studies included the following: barbed, v loc, quill, tendon, tendon injuries, suture, tenorraphy, injury, and laceration, in various combinations. Our initial literature search identified 47 articles, and 8 were deemed appropriate for review after applying our exclusion criteria. The data from each of the articles is reviewed for the following major categories: Barbed suture tenorraphy has a myriad of theoretical advantages, supported by varying ex vivo studies, as compared to traditional techniques. However, due to the non-uniformity in current studies and the lack of available data in a live model, we are unable to argue for or against barbed suture tenorraphy. We believe our review provides the most in-depth analysis of barbed suture tenorraphy to date, illuminates the potential advantages of using barbed sutures, and highlights the need for further investigation into this technique.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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