Association of Behavioral Self-Regulation with Concurrent Functional Capacity Among Stroke Rehabilitation Patients

Journal of Clinical Geropsychology - Tập 8 - Trang 25-33 - 2002
Jim Grigsby1, Kathryn Kaye1,2, Jacqueline Kowalsky1,3, Andrew M. Kramer1,3
1Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver
2V.A. Medical Center, Denver, Colorado
3Center on Aging, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver

Tóm tắt

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale (BDS), a measure of the executive cognitive capacity to use an intention to guide purposeful, goal-directed activity would be strongly associated with concurrent functional status after controlling for age, sex, education, severity of pain, medical comorbidity, depression, and general mental status, in a sample of 246 elderly inpatients receiving rehabilitation services following hospitalization for stroke. Functional status was assessed by rehabilitation nurses' ratings of patients on 11 ADL items and on the Barthel Index. The BDS was the strongest predictor for 11 of the 12 dependent variables. Although it correlated significantly with all outcomes, the MMSE entered only one of the regression models. Of the other covariates, only age and severity of pain made an additional contribution to the prediction of functional ability for more than 1 dependent variable. Consistent with prior results in several other samples, the ability to use intentions to guide purposeful behavior appears to be an important contributor to everyday functioning among older adults.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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