Association between the XKR6 rs7819412 SNP and serum lipid levels and the risk of coronary artery disease and ischemic stroke
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The present study aimed to expound the association between the XK related 6 gene (XKR6) rs7819412 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and serum lipid profiles and the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and ischemic stroke. The genetic makeup of the XKR6 rs7819412 SNP in 1783 unrelated participants (controls, 643; CAD, 588 and ischemic stroke, 552) of Han Chinese was obtained by the Snapshot technology. The genotypic frequencies of the SNP were disparate between CAD (GG, 81.0%; GA/AA, 19.0%) or ischemic stroke (GG, 81.2%; GA/AA, 18.8%) patients and healthy controls (GG, 85.7%, GA/AA, 14.3%; P < 0.05 vs. CAD or ischemic stroke; respectively). The A allele frequency was also diverse between CAD (10.1%) or ischemic stroke (10.0%) and control groups (7.5%; P < 0.05 vs. CAD or ischemic stroke; respectively). The GA/AA genotypes and A allele were associated with high risk of CAD and ischemic stroke (CAD: P = 0.026 for GA/AA vs. GG, P = 0.024 for A vs. G; Ischemic stroke: P = 0.029 for GA/AA vs. GG, P = 0.036 for A vs. G). The GA/AA genotypes were also associated with increased serum triglyceride (TG) concentration in CAD and total cholesterol (TC) concentration in ischemic stroke patients. These data revealed that the XKR6 rs7819412 A allele was related to increased serum TG levels in CAD, TC levels in ischemic stroke patients and high risk of CAD and ischemic stroke.
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