Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Deaf Adults with Intellectual Disability: Feasibility and Psychometric Properties of an Adapted Version of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2)
Tóm tắt
This study describes the adaptation of the autism diagnostic observation schedule (ADOS-2) to assess autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adults with intellectual disability (ID) and hearing loss who communicate primarily visually. This adapted ADOS-2 was applied to residents of specialized therapeutic living communities (n = 56). The internal consistency of the adapted ADOS-2 was excellent for the Social Affect of modules 2 and 3 and acceptable for Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors subscale of module 2, but poor for module 3. Interrater reliability was comparable to standard ADOS-2 modules 1–3. Results suggest that autism symptoms of deaf adults with ID can be reliably identified by an adapted ADOS-2, provided adequate expertise in deafness, ID, ASD and proficiency in signed language by the administrator.
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