Assessing the effectiveness of the TaMATE1B and TaALMT1 genes to enhance the Al3+ tolerance of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) grown under controlled conditions and in the field
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Trang 1-13 - 2022
Tóm tắt
Durum wheat is sensitive of acid soils because it lacks effective genes for Al3+ tolerance. Previous research showed introgression of the TaMATE1B and TaALMT1 genes individually increased the Al3+ tolerance of durum wheat. Here we aimed to (a) combine the genes into a single durum line, (b) compare the various introgression lines and (c) establish the effectiveness of the introgressions in improving the acid soil tolerance in the field. Durum wheat lines homozygous for Al3+-tolerant alleles of TaMATE1B and TaALMT1 were crossed to develop a line that incorporated both genes. The parental cultivar, lines with the individual genes and the line with both genes introgressed were screened for Al3+ tolerance by hydroponic and soil cultures in a growth cabinet. The lines were also assessed for biomass production and grain yield in the field on acid soils. The durum wheat lines with the various Al3+-tolerance genes introgressed performed better based on root growth than Jandaroi, the parental cultivar, in both hydroponic and soil assays when grown in a cabinet. The various introgression lines were tolerant of acid soils compared to Jandaroi when grown in the field as assessed by shoot biomass and grain yield. The TaALMT1 and TaMATE1B genes improve the acid soil tolerance of durum wheat with indications that combining both genes is the most effective strategy. The various lines will be valuable to breeders who wish to enhance the acid soil tolerance of durum germplasm.
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