Anti-Tumor Effect of Protoscolex Hydatid Cyst Somatic Antigen on Inhibition Cell Growth of K562
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Today, cancer is one of the most important causes of death in the world, and so far, many treatment methods have been used in this field. Immunotherapy is considered one of the newest developments in this science, and it is still being investigated in some forms in different cancers and with a variety of antigens as well. One of the subsets of cancer immunotherapy is its treatment using parasitic antigens. The present study evaluated the effect of using somatic antigens of protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus on K562 cancer cells. In this study, hydatid cysts’ protoscolex antigens were extracted, purified, and added to K562 cancer cells at three concentrations (0.1, 1, and 2 mg/ml) and on three times (24, 48, and 72 h). The number of apoptotic cells was compared to the control flask. The antigen concentration of 2 mg/ml was used as a control sample to investigate its cytotoxic effect on the growth of healthy HFF3 cells. Annexin V and PI tests were also performed to differentiate apoptosis from necrosis. In flasks treated with hydatid cyst protoscolex antigen, all three concentrations significantly reduced the growth of cancer cells compared with the control flask, and concentration 2 of crude antigen significantly caused the death of cancer cells. Furthermore, more cancer cells underwent apoptosis by increasing the time of exposure to the antigen. On the other hand, flow cytometry results also showed that the amount of apoptosis has increased compared to the control group. In fact, Protoscolex hydatid cyst somatic antigens induce programmed cell death in K562 cancer cells while not having a cytotoxic effect on normal cells. Therefore, it is suggested to do more research on the anti-cancer and therapeutic properties of the antigens of this parasite.
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