Antecedents and effects of engaged frontline employees

Emerald - Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 88-107 - 2011
Terje Slåtten1, Mehmet Mehmetoglu
1Lillehammer Univ. College; Lillehammer Norway

Tóm tắt


The aim of this study is to examine factors related to employee engagement in frontline jobs in service firms.


A conceptual model was developed and tested on a survey in which 279 hospitality frontline employees participated.


The findings show that employee engagement is closely linked to employees' innovative behaviour. Accordingly, the study clearly reveals the value of having an engaged frontline workforce. Moreover, the results show that perceptions of role benefit, job autonomy, and strategic attention were all significantly related to greater employee engagement.

Research limitations/implications

This study limits its examination to the antecedents and effects of employee engagement for two types of service organizations.

Practical implications

The study has demonstrated the importance for managers of having an engaged workforce. In particular, it is important for managers to notice that engagement is a major driver to innovative behaviour. Consequently, one general and key practical implication from this study is the importance for mangers to measure regularly the engagement of their workforce.


This paper enhances one's knowledge of factors linked to employee engagement.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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