Analysis of ocular fluids for local antibody production in uveitis.
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Instead of looking in the general circulation, it might be more informative to analyse samples obtained at the site of inflammation. For more than a century the aqueous humour of patients with uveitis has been analysed for the presence of infectious agents.'2 The first studies of aqueous humour included analysis of cytopathological and bacteriological investigation of the aqueous humour of patients with uveitis or endophthalmitis but the results of the studies were not conclusive.12-14 In 1943, Amsler and Verrey'3 reported phagocytosis of bacilli and cocci by cells in the anterior chamber in 20% of patients with uveitis, which was in contrast with the results of other studies in which bacterial agents were only occasionally detected in the aqueous humour.1315 Micro-organisms were only sporadically cultured from the aqueous humour but in positive cases contamination could not be excluded with certainty.
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