An investigation of Chinese consumers' outshopping motives from a culture perspective

Emerald - Tập 38 Số 6 - Trang 423-442 - 2010
YongJian Wang1, Samuel K.Doss2, ChiquanGuo3, WenjingLi4
1College of Business, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA
2Nathan M. Bisk College of Business, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida, USA
3College of Business Administration, University of Texas‐Pan American, Edinburg, Texas, USA
4School of Business Administration, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China

Tóm tắt


This paper aims to investigate Chinese consumers' international outshopping motives from a culture perspective based on Hofstede's four cultural dimensions.


Four international outshopping motives that may affect Chinese consumer's propensity of shopping abroad were empirically investigated based on a sample of 174 Chinese consumers who participated in a mall intercept survey.


The results suggest that Chinese consumers' perceived expressiveness of using foreign products, perceived reliability of foreign retail service, and perceived enjoyment of shopping abroad have positive and significant impacts on their propensity of shopping abroad. In addition, their perceived morality to support domestic industries does not significantly affect their outshopping behavior, although consumer ethnocentrism was regarded as an issue in China.

Practical implications

Outshoppers from China are increasingly found in the stores and malls in Western countries. The findings offer an insightful call for retailers and distributors in the West to understand how to make effective marketing strategies to target Chinese outshoppers and how to predict their behaviors when the global market gradually opens to Chinese consumers.


The identified motives represent a deeper understanding of Chinese consumers and their cultural environment.

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