An integrated model for evaluation of big data challenges and analytical methods in recommender systems
Tóm tắt
The study aimed to present an integrated model for evaluation of big data (BD) challenges and analytical methods in recommender systems (RSs). The proposed model used fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) which is a human judgment-based method for weighting of RSs’ properties. Human judgment is associated with uncertainty and gray information. We used fuzzy techniques to integrate, summarize, and calculate quality value judgment distances. Then, two fuzzy inference systems (FIS) are implemented for scoring BD challenges and data analytical methods in different RSs. In experimental testing of the proposed model, A correlation coefficient (CC) analysis is conducted to test the relationship between a BD challenge evaluation for a collaborative filtering-based RS and the results of fuzzy inference systems. The result shows the ability of the proposed model to evaluate the BD properties in RSs. Future studies may improve FIS by providing rules for evaluating BD tools.
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