An exploration of medical student attitudes towards older persons and frailty during undergraduate training
Tóm tắt
To investigate medical student attitudes towards older persons and frailty over an
entire medical student cohort. Global student attitudes towards older persons are positive, but decline with
regard to functionality. Negative, often stereotypical perceptions of frailty persist
despite high regard for older persons. Medical student attitudes towards older persons and frailty are generally
positive, but appear most negative with the introduction of clinical placement, which
may provide opportunity for targeted educational intervention. Older persons and patients with frailty constitute an ever increasing proportion of hospital patients. Improving student attitudes towards both groups is important in preparing future doctors for this demographic shift. We aimed to investigate medical student attitudes towards older persons and frailty over an entire medical school cohort. All current Brighton and Sussex Medical School students were invited to complete an online questionnaire consisting: (i) the Australian Ageing Semantic Differential (AASD), (ii) the Medical Condition Regard Scale (MCRS) with regards to frailty, (iii) a qualitative question asking participants to record three words regarding both a person over 70 years and frailty. 187 students participated (66% female, 25.2% response rate). Participants reported positive attitudes with mean scores of 73.45/114 on the AASD and 52.4/66 on the MCRS. The most positive attitudes towards both older persons and frailty were held by year 1 students, and most negative by year 3 and year 4 students for older persons and frailty, respectively. Examining AASD subgroups, students held negative attitudes towards the instrumentality (function) of older persons (mean score: 17.6/36) with significant variation across year groups (p < 0.05), with the most negative attitudes expressed in year 3. Word clouds of qualitative responses showed that medical students consider the two concepts differently with frailty attracting more negative associations. Generally medical student attitudes were positive towards older persons and frailty. However, these declined when focusing on the functionality, with word cloud analysis of attitudes revealing a dichotomy between the quantitative and qualitative data surrounding frailty.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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