An Evaluation of the Use of Modulated Temperature DSC as a Means of Assessing the Relaxation Behaviour of Amorphous Lactose

Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 17 Số 6 - Trang 696-700 - 2000
Craig, Duncan Q. M.1, Barsnes, Merete2, Royall, Paul G.1, Kett, Vicky L.1
1The School of Pharmacy, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, UK
2The School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Tóm tắt

Purpose. To evaluate the use of Modulated Temperature DSC(MTDSC) as a means of assessing the relaxation behaviour ofamorphous lactose via measurement of the heat capacity, glasstransition (Tg) and relaxation endotherm. Methods. Samples of amorphous lactose were prepared by freezedrying. MTDSC was conducted using a TA Instruments 2920 MDSCusing a heating rate of 2°C/minute, a modulation amplitude of ±0.3°Cand a period of 60 seconds. Samples were cycled by heating to 140°Cand cooling to a range of annealing temperatures between 80°C and100°C, followed by reheating through the Tg region. Systems werethen recooled to allow for correction of the Tg shift effect. Results. MTDSC enabled separation of the glass transition from therelaxation endotherm, thereby facilitating calculation of the relaxationtime as a function of temperature. The relative merits of using MTDSCfor the assessment of relaxation processes are discussed. In addition,the use of the fictive temperature rather than the experimentally derivedTg is outlined. Conclusions. MTDSC allows assessment of the glass transitiontemperature, the magnitude of the relaxation endotherm and the valueof the heat capacity, thus facilitating calculation of relaxation times.Limitations identified with the approach include the slow scanningspeed, the need for careful choice of experimental parameters and theTg shift effect.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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