Accountability conversations: mathematics teachers’ learning through challenge and solidarity

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education - Tập 14 - Trang 419-439 - 2011
Karin Brodie1, Yael Shalem1
1School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Tóm tắt

Teacher learning through professional development is a complex process and is not yet well understood. Some features of professional development programs are known to be important, such as a focus on learner needs, design of and reflection on classroom artefacts, and the creation and sustaining of communities of support for teacher professional learning. In this paper, we describe the workings of such communities in a teacher professional development program, which focused on learner errors in a well-researched mathematical topic—the equal sign. Drawing on data from program sessions where teachers discussed their lesson designs and reflections on their teaching with each other, we develop the notions of challenge and solidarity as important in developing accountability conversations among teachers. We show how our program supported teachers to challenge each other and to build solidarity with each other and in so doing to develop accountability to each other and the profession, for their practices and their learning.

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