
Journal of Neuro-Oncology - Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 1-77 - 1994
Jean-Michel Derlon1, M. C. Petit-taboué1, F. Dauphin1, P. Courtheoux1, F. Chapon1, P. Creissard1, F. Darcel1, J P Houtteville1, B. Kaschten, B. Sadzot, A. Stevenaert, Juri Gelovani Tjuvajev2, Homer A. Macapinlac2, Farhad Daghighian2, James Z. Ginos2, Ronald D. Finn2, M. S. Jiaju Zhang2, Bradley J. Beattie2, Martin C. Graham2, Steven M. Larson2, Ronald G. Blasberg2, M. Levivier3, Sylvie Goldman3, Benoît Pirotte3, J. M. Brücher3, Danielle Balériaux3, André Luxen3, Jerzy Hildebrand3, Jacques Brotchi3, K. G. Go4, R. L. Kamman4, E. L. Mooyaart4, M. A. A. M. Heesters4, Paul E. Sijens5, M. Oudksrk5, Pieter Van Dijk5, Peter C. Levendag5, Ch.J. Vecht5, René Metz6, David N. Kennedy6, B. R. Rosen6, F. H. Hochberg7, A. J. Fishman6, Pauline A. Filipek6, V. S. Caviness6, Mathieu Gross8, F. X. Weinzierl8, A. Trappe8, W. E. Goebel8, Andreas Frank8, Georg Becker9, A. Krone9, Karsten Schmidt9, Erich Hofmann9, Ulrich Bogdahn9, H. Bencsch10, S. Fclber11, G. Finkenstedt, C. Kremser, G. Sfockhammer12, F. Aichner, T. Fröhlich13, Reinhard Schlief13, J. Schürmann13, Piotr Jachimczak13, Elisabeth Hofmann9, Wolfgang Roggendorf13, K. Roosen13, Carmine Maria Carapella14, G. Carpinelli14, R. Passalacqua14, L. Raus14, Massimo Carlo Giannini14, R. Mastrostefano14, F. Podo14, A. Tofani, R. Maslrostefano15, M. Mottoles, A. Ferraironi, M. G. Scelsa, P. Oppido, A. Riccio15, C. L. Maini, L. Collombier16, Luc Taillandier16, M. Dcbouverie16, M. H. Laurens16, Pierre Thouvénot16, M. Weber16, Alain Bertrand16, Garth Cruickshank17, J. Patterson17, Donald M. Hadley17, Olivier De Witte18, Serge Goldman18, Ralf Ingo Ernestus19, Kurt H. Bockhorst19, Manfred Eis19, Thomas Els19, Mathias Hoehn‐Berlage19, M. Gliese, R. Fründ15, A. Geissler15, C. Woertgen, M. Holzschuh, Marc Levivier3, O. Hausmann20, A. Merlo20, E. Jerrnann21, J. Uirich, R. Chiquet-Ehrismann22, J. Müller1, H. Mäcke, O. Gratzl, K. Herholz23, M. Ghaemi23, M. Würker23, U. Pietrzyk23, W. -D. Heiss23, K. Kotitschke24, M. Brandl24, J. C. Tonn15, Antje Haase24, S. Muigg15, S. Felber15, A. Krone25, G. Becker25, M. Woydt26, U. Bogdahn25, Heinrich Lanfermann24, Walter Heindel24, Harald Kugel24, Ralf -Ingo Erneslus24, Gabricle Röhn24, K. Lackner24, Francisco S. Pardo27, S. Kutke27, A. Gregory Sorensen27, Laszlo Mechtler28, S. Withiam-Lench28, Kyu H. Shin28, W. R. Klnkel28, Monika Patel29, Bruce E. Truax29, Peter R. Kinkel29, M. Ricci, P. Pantano, A. Maleci, S. Pierallini, D. Di Stefano30, L. Bozzao, G. P. Cantore, Gabriele Röhn31, R Schröder31, R. Ruda, C. Mocellini, R. Soffietti, M. Campana, R. Ropolo, A. Riva, P. G. de Filippi, D. Schiffer, D. Salgado32, M. Rodrigues32, L. Salgado32, A. T. Fonseca32, M. R. Vieira32, Joana Marques32, Hideo Satoh33, T Uozumi33, Katsuzou Kiya33, Kazunobu Kurisu33, Ken-ichi Arita33, Masaru Sumida33, Fumiaki Ikawa33, Tz. Tzuk-Shina34, John M. Gomori, R. Rubinstein34, Alexander Lossos34, T. Siegal34, W. Vaalburg35, Anne M. J. Paans35, Antonius Willemsen35, A. van Waarde35, Jan Pruim35, G. M. Visser35, Go Kito35, S. Valentini36, Y.L. Teresa Ting15, Raffaele De Rose15, G. Chidichimo15, G. Corricro36, Karin van Lcycn-Pilgram37, Ralf -Ingo Erncslus37, Norfried Klug37, K. van Leyen-Pilgram38, M. Woydt26, G. Becker39, Uwe Neumann40, W. Roggendorf41, K. Roosen25, Karl H. Plate7, Georg Breier42, Birgit Millaucr43, Herbert A. Weich44, Axel Ullrich43, Werner Risau42, N. Roosen45, R. K. Chopra45, T. Mikkelsen45, S. D. Rosenblum45, P. S. Yan45, Robert A. Knight45, Joe P. Windham45, M. L. Rosenblum45, D. Schiffer46, A. Attanasio47, P. Cavalla47, A Chiò47, M. T. Giordana47, Antonio Migheli47, Verena R. Amberger48, T. Hensel48, ME Schwab48, Luigi Cervoni49, Paolo Celli49, Roberto Tarantino49, C. Huettner15, U. Berweiler, Isabelle Salmon50, Sandrine Rorive50, Katia Rombaut50, J. Haot50, R. Kiss50, C. Maugard-Louboutin7, J. Charrier51, G. Fayet51, C. Sagan, P. Cuillioere, G. Ricolleau51, S. Martin44, D. Menegalli-Bogeelli44, Y. Lajat44, F. Resche44, Péter Molnàr15, Helga Bárdos52, Róza Ádány52, J. P. Rogers53, Geoffrey J. Pilkington53, Bianca Pollo54, Giorgio Giaccone54, A Allegranza54, Orso Bugiani54, J. Prim55, Joan R. Badia55, E. Ribas55, F. Coello55, E. Shezen34, Oded Abramsky34, Massimo Scerrati56, R. Roselli56, Maurizio Iacoangeli56, Angelo Pompucci56, G. F. Rossi56, Saleh M. Al Deeb57, Osama M. Koreich57, Basim A. Yaqub57, Khalaf R. Al Moutaery57, Silvia Marino58, Maria Claudia Vigliani58, Véronique Deburghgraeve59, F. Darcel59, D. Gedouin59, M. Ben Hassel59, Y Guégan59, Branislav Jeremić60,61, Danica Grujičić60,61, V. Antunovic60,61, Milovan D. Matović60,61, Y. Shibamoto60,61, Merja Kallio62, Helena Huhmar62, Ch. Kudoh63, A. Detta63, Kazuaki Sugiura63, Edward Hitchcock63, R. Di Russo, M. Cipriani§, Emanuele Occhipinti15, Ettore Conti, A. Clowegeser64, Martin Ortler64, M. Seiwald64, Herwig Kostron64, B. Rajan65, Graham Ross56, C. Lim56, S. Ashlcy65, D. Goode65, D. Traish65, Michael Brada65, G. A. C. vd Sanden66, Leo J. Schouten66, Jan Willem Coebergh66, P. P. A. Razenberg66, A. Twijnstra66, A. Snilders-Keilholz67, J. H. C. Voormolen67, J. Hermans67, J. W. H. Leer67, L. Taillandier68, F Baylac68, M. Dcbouvcrie68, R. Anxionnal68, Serge Bracard68, J. M. Vignand68, A. Duprcz68, M. Weber68, Michael Winking69, Dieter-Karsten Böker69, T. Simmet15, David Rothbart70, John Strugar70, Jeroen Balledux70, Gregory R. Criscuolo70, Armin Blesch71, Birgit Heβdörfer71, R. Schröder38, N. Klug38, Hendrikus G. J. Krouwer15, S. G. v. Duinen15, A. Algra15, J. Zentner, H. K. Wolf72, B. Ostertun73, A. Hufnagel74, M. G. Campos, L. Solymosi73, J. Schramm75, E. S. Newlands76, S.M. O'Reilly76, M. Brampton76, A. Chio58, M. C. Vigliani58, R. Sciolla, D. Seliak, Robin Henriksson77, A. Tommy Bergenheim77, Peter Björk77, P. O. Gunnarsson77, Ml. Hariz77, Richard A. Grant78, David Collie78, Anne Gregor79, K. P. Ebmeier75, G. Jarvis80, F. Lander80, A. Cull80, Robin Sellar81, C. Thomas82, S. Elyan82, Frances Hines82, S. Ashley83, S. Stenning83, Jane Bernstein84,85, W. J. Goldberg84,85, U. Roelcke, K. Von Ammon86, E. W. Radu, D. Kaech, K. L. Leenders, Markus M. Fitzek27, J. Efird Aronen27, Michael L. Gruber27, Ehud J. Schmidt27, Bruce R. Rosen87, A. Flschman27, P. Pardo27, U. M. U. Afra, L. Sipos, F. Slouik, A. Boiardi88, Andrea Salmaggi88, A. Pozzi88, L. Farinotti88, Laura Fariselli88, Aldo Silvani88, A. Brandes, E. Scelzi, A. Rigon, P. Zampieri, M. Pignataro, P. D'. Amanzo, P. Amista, A. Rotilio, M. V. Fiorentino, R. Thomas82, Lucy Brazil82, Ann Marie O'Connor82, S. Ashley83, Maurizio Salvati89, Fabrizio Puzzilli89, M. Raguso90, R. Duckworth91, R. Rumpling92, M. Rottuci, L. Fariselli88, A. Boiardi88, G. Broggi, N. G. Plrint93, Elena Sabattini93, Valeria Manetto93, H. Gambacorta15, S. Poggi93, S. Pileri93, R Ferracini93, D. V. Plev, N. J. Hopf84,85, E. Knosp94, J. Bohl95, A. Perncczky, I. Catnby, O. Dewitte50, Jean Lambert Pasteels, Isabelle Camby50, Francis Darro50, André Danguy50, M. C. Kiu96, Gi Ming Lai96, T.-S. Yang96, Kim Thean Ng96, J. S. Chen96, Chiz-Tzung Chang96, Wai Man Leung96, Yu-Wai Ho96, M. Deblec Rychter, A. Klimek97, P. P. Liberski, A. Karpinaka98, P. Krauseneck, V. Schöffel, B. Müller, F. W. Kreth, M. Faist, P. C. Warnke, C. B. Ostertag, K. M. B. v. Nielen15, M. C. Visscr15, C. Lebrun15, M. Lonjon99, T. Desjardin100, J. F. Michiels101, Sa. Lagrange J. L. Chanalet15, J. L. Roche102, M. Chatel15, Luciano Mastronardi103, F. Puzzilli89, Farah J. Osman15, P. Lunardi15, M. Matsutani, Y. Ushio, K. Takakura, Johan Menten104, Han Hamers105, J. G. Ribot81, René Dom106, Hans Tcepen4, N. Weidner, G. Naujocks107, D. van Roost107, O. D. Wiestler, A. Kuncz107, C. Nieder, M. Setzel-Sesterhein, M. Niewald, I. Schnabel, Kevin O’Neill108, N. D. Kitchen108, P. Wilkins108, Henry Marsh108, Erin Pierce109, R. Doshi109, Rashid Deane109, Stefano C. Previtali110, Angelo Quattrini110, Raffaello Nemni110, A. Ducati111, Lawrence Wrabetz110, N. Canal110, Cornelis J.A. Punt112, L. Stamatakis113, B. Giroux, E. Rutten112, Matthew R. Quigley, P. A. -C. Beth Sargent114, Nicholas Flores114, Sheryl R. Simon114, Joseph C. Maroon114, Alice Rocca115, C. Gervasoni15, A. Castagna101, P. Picozzi115, Enrico Giugni115, A. A. Rocca115, G. P. Tonnarelli111, Alessandro Ducati111, Federico Mangili111, Giulio Truci111, Massimo Giovanelli111, W. Sachsenheimer116, T. Bimmler116, Helmut Eiter117, M. Ortler117, A. Obwegesser117, H. Steilen118, W. Henn105, J. R. Moringlane92, H. Kolles119, W. Feiden120, K. D. Zang121, W. I. Sleudel118, Andreas Steinbrecher122, Martin Schabet122, Clemens Heb122, M. Bamberg122, J. Dichgans122, Giuseppe Stragliotto123, Jacques Delattre123, M Poisson123, L. Tosatto, P. D'Amanzo, N. Menicucci, S. Mingrino, W. I. Steudel124, R. Feld124, Jean-Philippe Maire125, M Caudry125, J. Guérin125, D. Célérier125, N. Salem125, H. Demeaux125, J. F. Fahregat, M. E. Kusak, A. Bucno126, J. Albisua, P. Jerez, J. L. Sarasa127, R. Garefa128, Joaquín M. Campos129, A. Bueno130, R. García-Delgado, R. García-Sola129, A A Lantsov131, T. I. Shustova131, D. Lcnartz132, Ruth Wellenreuther132, A. von Deirnling132, W. Köning132, J. Menzel132, S. Scarpa133, A. Manna133, M. G. Reale133, Piero Andrea Oppido133, L. Frati133, C. A. Valery15, M. Ichen134, J. P. Foncin135, C. Soubrane136, D. Khayat134, J. Philippon15, R. Vaz, CRISTIANE MONTEIRO DA CRUZ115, Sonia Weis137, D. Protopapa137, R. März15, P. A. Winkler15, H. J. Reulen15, K. Bise137, E. Beuls138, Jw. van den Berg138, W. Deinsberger139, M. Samii15, V. Darrouzet140, R. Trouette140, N. Causse140, J. P. Bébéar140, Fabrice Parker141, J. N. Vallee102, R. Carlier102, M. Zerah, C. Lacroix-Jousselin142, Joseph M. Piepmeier143, John F. Kveton143, Agnes Czibulka143, G. S. Tigliev144, M. P. Chernov144, L. N. Maslova144, José M. Valdueza145, W Jänisch135, A. Bock146, Lutz Harms145, E. M. Bessell147, Francesc Graus147, J. Punt147, J. Firth147, T. Hope147, Osama Koriech, Saleh Al Deeb148, Khalaf Al Moutaery148, A. Silvani149, A. Salmaggi149, Angelo Franzini149, R. Goldbrunner150, M. Warmuth-Metz151, W. Paulus152, J. -Ch. Tonn150, I. I. Strik, C. Markert, K. -W. Pflughaupt, B. P. OʼNeill153, Robert P. Dinapoli153, J. Voges154, Volker Sturm154, U. Deuß154, C. Traud154, Harald Treuer154, Ralph Lehrke154, D. G. Kim154, Rolf-Peter Müller154, Yu. S. Alexandrov155, K. Moutaery156, M. Aabed, O. Koreich, Gillian Ross157, S. Ashley157, D Ford157, I. L. O. Schmeets158, J.J. Jager158, Martin Pannebakker158, J.M.A. de Jong158, E. van Lindert94, K. Kitz159, S. Blond160, François Dubois160, R. Assaker160, Marie‐Christine Baranzelli160, M. Sleiman160, Jean‐Pierre Pruvo160, B. Coche-dequeant160, Minenosuke Matsutani161, Kimitomo Takakura161, Kenji Sano161, G. PetriČ-Grabnar162, B. Jereb162, N. Župančič163, M. Koršič164, Nikolai G. Rainov165, W Burkert165, Yukitaka Ushio166, Masato Kochi166, Youichi Itoyama166, R. Garcı́a130, A E B Bueno130, L. Ferrando4, Khê Hoang‐Xuan167, Marie Sanson167, P. Mérel167, Olivier Delattre167, Gilles Thomas167, G. Thomas167, D. Haritz168, B. Obersen169, F. Grochulla, Detlef Gabel169, K. Haselsberger170, H. Radner, G. Pendl170, Robert Laing171, Alan P. Warrington171, Peter Nowak172, Inger Karine Kolkman-Deurloo172, A.G. Visser172, Hv. d. Berge172, C. Niël172, P. Bergström, M. Hariz173, P. -O. Löfroth174, T. Bergenheim173, R. Henriksson175, Christine Cortet‐Rudelli176, Didier Dewailly176, B. Castelain176, Edward G. Shaw177, R. Coffey177, John D. Earle177, Robert L. Foote177, Paula J. Schomberg177, D. Gorman177, Nicole Girard178, Marie‐Noelle Courel178, B Delpech178, Gerhard Friehs170, O. Schröttner170, R. Pötter179, R. hawliczek179, P. Sperveslage179, F. J. Prott179, S. Wachter118, Karin Dieckmann179, Karl Herholz180, U. Pietrzyk180, J. Voges154, H. Treuer154, Volker Sturm154, Bernd Bauer180, Wolf–Dieter Heiss180, R. Jund, F. Zimmermann, H. J. Feldmann, M. W. Gross, P. Kneschaurek, M. Molls, G. Lederman181, J. Lowry181, S. Wertheim181, L. Voulsinas181, M. Fine181, I. Voutsinas181, Guo‐Xin Qian181, Harunor Rashid181, G. Qian181, P. Montemaggi182, R. Trignani56, G Rossi56, Colleen West183, Walter Grand183, Cláudio H. Sibata184, D. Guerrero185, Nicholas D. James185, Rainer Bramer186, H. Pahlke186, Norbert Banik186, Mauritius Hövels186, H.J.J.A. Bernsen187, P.F.J.W. Rijken187, Boudewijn P.J. van der Sanden187, N.E.M. Hagemeier187, Albert J. van der Kogel179, P. J. Koehler188, H. Verbiest, G. M. Ross, A. McIlwrath189, R. Brown189, C. Mottolesb190, Alain Pierre-Kahn190, M. Croux190, J. Marchai190, P. Delhemes190, M. Tremoulet190, B. Stilhart190, J. Chazai190, P. Caillaud190, R. Ravon190, J. Passacha190, Éric Bouffet190, Clemens M.F. Dirven191, J. J. A. Mooy191, W.M. Molenaar191, G. Lewandowicz192, Neal Grant192, William Harkness192, R Hayward192, David G. T. Thomas192, John L. Darling192, N. Delépine193, I. I. Subovici193, B. Cornille193, S. Markowska193, JC. Desbois Alkallaf193, J. KühI194, D. Niethammer195, H. J. Spaar, A. Gnekow, W. Havers196, F. Berthold56, N. Graf56, F. Lampert56, E. Maass56, R. Mertens, V. Schöck196, A. Aguzzi, A. Boukhny, S. Smirtukov, A. Prityko, B. Hoiodov, O. Geludkova, A. Nikanorov, P. Levin, B. D'Haen197, Frank Van Calenbergh197, P. Casaer134, R. Dom198, J. Menten199, Jan Goffin197, Christiaan Plets197, A. Hertel, P. Hernaiz200, C. Seipp184, K. Siegler201, R. P. Baum179, F. D. Maul160, D. Schwabe, G. Jacobi202, B. Kornhuber203, G. Hör204, Abderrahim Merzak53, Harcharan K. Rooprai53, P. Bullock53, Peter Henricus Maria Franciscus van Domburg205, P. Wesseling205, H.O.M. Thijssen205, Jan Wolff, J. Boos, K. H. Krähling206, V. Gressner-Brocks207, H. Jürgens208, J. Schlegel208, H. Scherthan209, N. Arens210, Gabi Stumm208, Marika Kiessling211, Shahriar Koochekpour53, Guido Reifenberger212, Julia Reifenberger212, L. Liu212, C. David James212, W. Wechsler212, V. Peter Collins212, Klaus Fabel‐Schulte213, Plotr Jachimczak213, Birgitt Heßdörfer213, Inge Baur213, Karl -Hermann Schlingensiepen214, Wolgang Brysch213, A. Blesch215, A. K. Bosserhoff216, R. Apfel215, F. Lottspeich135, P. Jachimczak213, R. Büttner217, R. Cece218, I. Barajon218, S. Tazzari218, G. Cavaletti219, L Torri-Tarelli118, G. Tredici, B. Hecht220, C. Turc-Carel220, R. Atllas220, P. Gaudray220, J. Gioanni221, F. Hecht222, J. A. Rey, M. J. Bello223, José Luis Andrès Sarasa224, Martin Parent160, P. Gosselin160, J. L. Christiaens160, J. R. Schaudies225, Michael Janka226, Jörg C. Tonn150, U. Fischer227, E. Meese228, Myriam Remmelink229, P. Cras229, René Jean Bensadoun213, M. Frenay, J. L. Formento230, Gérard Milano230, Lagrange Jl230, P. Grellier134, J. -Y. Lee19, H H Riese19, J. Cervós-Navarro19, Werner Reutter19, B. Lippitz118, C. Scheitinger118, M. Scholz, J. Weis, J. M. Gilsbach, L. Füzesi231, Y. J. Li232, Richard Hamelin232, Erik Van de Kelft233, Erna Dams209, Jean -Jacques Martin234, Patrick Willems235, R. Lehrke186, J. Erdmann213, R. P. Müller154, V. Sturm186, R. E. Wurm236, S. Sardell236, John D. Graham236, Jun Ichi Kuratsu237, Martin Aichholzer238, Karl Rössler238, François Alesch238, Andreas Ertl238, P. S. Sorensen239, Susanne Helweg-Larsen239, H. Mourldsen239, Heine H. Hansen239, S. Y. El Sharoum, M. W. Berfelo, P. H. M. H. Theunissen134, J. J. Jager, I. Fedorcsák233, I. Nyáry233, É. Osztie233, Á. Horvath240, G. Kontra, J. Burgoni-chuzel241, P. Paquis, J. L. Lagrange242, SW. Hansen243, P. Soelberg Sørensen243, M. Morche, Frank J. Lagerwaard172, W. M. H. Eijkenboom172, P. I. M. Schmilz172, S. Lentzsch, F. Weber, J. Franke, B. Dörken, P Lunardi204, Giuseppe Schettini204, Raed Qasho204, D. Garabello, S. Sales, R. De Lucchi, E. Vasario, Xavier Muracciole244, Jean Régis244, L. Manera244, J. C. Peragut244, P Juin244, R Sédan244, Carsten Nieder245, Marcus Niewald245, Karin Walter245, K. Schnabel245, N. Niewald245, U. Nestle, K. Schnabel245, W. Berberich, P. Oschmann236, R. D. Theißen236, K. H. Reuner246, M. Kaps159, W. Dorndorf239, K. K. Martin, J. Akinwunmi, H. K. Rooprai, A. Kennedy, A. Linke, N. Ognjenovic, Geoff Pilkington53, A. I. Svadovsky208, V. V. Peresedov208, A. A. Bulakov247, M. Y. Butyalko248, I. G. Zhirnova249, D. A. Labunsky249, V. V. Gnazdizky, И. В. Ганнушкина249, M. J. B. Taphoorn250, R. Potman250, Frederik Barkhof250, Jan G.E. Weerts250, A.B.M.F. Karim250, Jan J. Heimans250, M. van de Pol251, V. C. van Aalst251, J. T. Wilmink252, A. Twijnstra251, J.J. van der Sande253, Willem Boogerd253, R Kröger253, Andreas Jäger254, Cäcilie Wismeth255, A. Dekant255, Wolfgang Brysch255, Karl‐Hermann Schlingensiepen255, B. Pirolte256, Vincent Cool256, Catherine Gérard256, Jean‐Louis Dargent256, Thierry Velu256, U. Herrlinger257, M. Schabet257, P. Ohneseit258, R. Buchholz259, Jian‐Hong Zhu260, Regina Reszka260, Friedrich Weber260, Wolfgang Walther260, L. I. Zhang260, M. Brock260, Jack Rock261, Huiwen Zeng261, J. Feng261, Joseph D. Fenstermacher261, Alberto Gabizón34, Mirko Beljanski262, S. Crochet262, Björn Zackrisson263, Jörgen Elfverson263, Per Bergström263, G. Butti264, R. Baetta, Lorenzo Magrassi264, Maria R. De Renzis265, M. R. Soma266, C. Davegna267, S. Pezzotta250, R. Paoletti268, R. Fumagalli269, L Infuso264, A. A. Sankar270, G. -L. Defer271, P. Brugières272, F. Gray272, Christine Chomienne273, J. Poirier274, L. Degos275, J. D. Degos, Bruno Colombo276, Stefano DiDonato276, Gaetano Finocchiaro276, K. M. Hebeda7, H. J. C. M. Sterenborg, A. E. Saarnak, J. G. Wolbers277, Martin J. C. van Gemert278, P. Kaaijk278, D. Troost, Sieger Leenstra278, P. K. Das278, D. A. Bosch279, B. W. Hochleitner280, Alois Albert Obwegeser280, Marcel Ortler280, W. Vooys, G. C. de Gast, J. J. M. Marx, T. Menovsky279, J. F. Beek279, Otmar D. Wiestler281, V. Schirrmacher282, André Schmitz282, A. M. Eis-Hübinger283, p. h. Piepmeier143, Patricia E. Pedersen143, Charles A. Greer143, Tommy Shih114, Amr Elrifal114, William E. Rothfus114, L. Rohertson284, R. Rampling281, T. L. Whoteley284, J. A. Piumb2, D. J. Kerr285, P. A. Falina286, I. M. Crossan286, N. Roosen287, J. P. Rock287, H. Zeng287, K. L. Ho, Mort Rosenblum287, M. M. Ruchoux288, S. Vincent289, F. Jonca290, J. Plouet291, M. Lecomte, Dvorit Samid292, Alain Thibault292, Zvi Ram292, Edward H. Oldfield292, Charles E. Myers292, Elizabeth V. Reed292, Yigal Shoshan34, T. Siegal34, Günther Stockhammer293, M Rosenblum294, D. Samid295, F. Lieberman296, A. J. A. Terzis1, R. Bjerkvig, O. D. Laerum2, H. Arnold1, A. Thibault295, W. D. Figg297, C. E. Myers295, E. Reed295, Glenn Flux298, Sarah Chittenden298, Paresh Doshi299, L. Brazil299, D. G. T. Thomas270, D. Bignor300, Michael R. Zalutsky300, M. Brada300, Michael G. Kaplitt, Revathi Desai301, Margaret Bradley302, B. S. Bettie301, Bernd Gänsbacher302, Ronald Blasberg301, H. K. Haugland, J. Saraste2, K. Rooseni1, Arthur Vincent1, C. J. J. Avezaat1, A. Bout, J. L. Noteboom, C. h. Vecht303, D. Valerio, P. M. Hoogerbrugge, R. Reszka304, J. Zhu304, W. Walther304, J. List2, W. Schulz1, I. I. J. C. M. Sterenborg, W. Kamphorst2, H. A. M. van Alplien1, Pär Salander305, Tommy Bergenheim305, B. Schmidt306, Barbara Bauer307, G. Grau308, T. Bohnstedt, A. Frydrych, K. Franz, R. Lorenz, F. Berti, A. Paccagnella, P. L. van Deventer, Paul L.I. Dellemijn309, Martin J. van den Bent, P. J. Kansen310, N. G. Petruccioli278, E. Cavalletti311, B. Kiburg7, L. J. Müller1, Carry M. Moorer-van Delft1, J. J. Heimans, H. H. Boer1, A. Pace, L. Bove, A. Pietrangeli, P. Innocenti, A. Aloe, M. Nardi, B. Jandolo, Stewart J. Kellie312, Siebold S.N. de Graaf312, H. Bloemhof312, Derek Roebuck312, Pozza L. Dalla312, D. D. R. Uges312, Ian Johnston312, Michael Besser312, R. A. Chaseling312, Stephan C. W. Koeppen313, S. Gründemann313, M. Nitschke7, P. Vieregge1, E. Reusche, P. Rob2, D. Kömpf1, T. J. Postma, Jan B. Vermorken, R. P. Rampling7, D. J. Dunlop7, M. S. Steward7, S. M. Campbell7, S. Roy7, P. H. E. Hilkens, J. Verweij, Wim L.J. van Putten, M. J. van den Bent, J. Moll172, M.E.L. van der Burg172, A. S. T. Planting172, E. Wondrusch314, Udo Zifko314, M. Drlicek314, U. Liszka314, Wolfgang Grisold314, B. Fazeny314, Ch. Dittrich314, Jan Verschuuren302, Patricio Meneses302, Myrna R. Rosenfeld, Jerome B. Posner302, Josep Dalmau302, Peter A.E. Sillevis Smitt315, Geoff Manley315, G Cavaletti316, G. Bogliun316, L. Margorati316, G. Bianchi316, M. Drlicek314, U. Liska, B. Casati, C. Kolig317, H. Grisold318, René Rizzoli319, M Uchuya319, Francesc Valldeoriola319, C. Benedetti de Cosentiro282, D. Ortale, R. Martinez, J. Lambre, S. Cagnolati, C. Vinai, A. Salmaggi149, R. Nemni320, A. Silvani149, M. G. Forno321, R. Luksch, P. Confalonieri, J. Scholz1, F. H. Hochberg322, G. Pfeiffer323, J. Netzer323, Ch. Hansen323, Ch. Eggers323, C Hagel323, K. Kunze324, Marc K. Rosenblum302, Frank S. Lieberman
1Centre CYCERON, CEA/DSV, CAC F. Baclesse, CHU. CAEN, France
2Memorial Sloan-Keltering Cancer Center, New York, USA
3Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Hôpital Erasme & Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
4Depts. of Neurosurgery, Diagnostic Radiology and Radiotherapy University of Groningen, The Netherlands
5Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands
6Massachusells General Hospital, Boston, USA
7University Hospital, Liège, Belgium
8Radiooncological Clinic (MWG) and Department of Neurosurgery, Technical University of Munich, FRG
9Neurologische Universitätsklinik, Würzburg, FRG
10Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of Innsbruck, Austria
11Dept. of MR-imaging, University of Innsbruck, Austria
12Dept. of Neurology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
13Dpts of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology, University of Würzburg, Berlin, Germany
14Department of Neurosurgery, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute. Laboratory of Cell Biology, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
15Department of Chemistry, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy
16Services de Médecine Nucléaire, de Neurologie et GERNO, CMRU de NANCY, 29 avenue de Lattre de Tassigny, 54000, Nancy, France
17Institute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland
18ULB-Hôpital Erasme, Brussels, Belgium
19Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cologne, Germany
20Departments of Neurosurgery, University of Würzburg, Germany
21Departments of Neurology, University of Würzburg, Germany
22Departments of Neuroradiology, University of Würzburg, Germany
23Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung and Neurologische Universitätsklinik, 50931, Köln, Germany
24Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Neurosurgery, University of Cologne, Koeln, Germany
25Dpts of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology, University of Würzburg, 97080 Würzburg, and Schering AG. Müllerstr. 170-178, D-13353, Berlin, Germany
26Neurosurgical Department, University of Würzburg, Germany
27Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA
28Dent Neurologic Institute, Roswell Park Cancer Institute SUNYAB, USA
29Dent Neurologic Institute, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, SUNY at Buffalo, USA
30ULB-Hôpital Erasme and Cliniques, Universitaires St-Luc, Brussels, Belgium
31Department of Neurosurgery and Laboratory of Neuropathology, University of Cologne, Germany
32Neurology Dept., Nuclear Medicine Dept., IPOFG, R Prof. Lima Basto 1093, Lisboa Codex, Portugal
33Depertment of Neurosurgery, Hiroshima University School of Medicine, Hiroshima, Japan
34Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
35University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands
36Neurosurgical Department, Civil Hospital, Cosenza, Italy
37Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
38Department of Neurosurgery and Laboratory of Neuropathology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
39Klinikum der Philipps-Universität, 35043, Marburg
40Departments of Neurosurgery, University of Bonn, Germany
41Division of Neuropathology, University of Würzburg, Germany
42Dept. of Radiotherapy, U.H. Leuven, Belgium
43Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemic, Martinsried
44Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung, 38124, Braunschweig
45Midwest Neuro- Oncol Ctr, Depts Neurosurg & Radiat Phys, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, USA
46Torino, Italy
47Dept.of Neurol., Univ.of Turin, Italy
48Brain Research Institute, University of Zürich, Zürich (Switzerland)
49Department of Neurological Sciences, Neurosurgery, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
50Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
51Departments of Neuropathology, University of Bonn, Germany
52Dept. of Hygiene, University Medical School of Debrecen, Hungary
53Department of Neuropathology, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK
54Divisione di Neuropatologia, Istituto Neurologico “C. Besta”, Milano
55Departs. of Neurosurgery and Patholosgy. Hospital Sagrat Cor., University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
56Institute of Neurosurgery, Catholic University, Rome, Italy
57Neurosciences and Oncology Departments, Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
58Dept.of Neurology, Univ.of Turin, Italy
59Unité Neuro-oncologic, Hopital Pontchaillou, Rennes, France
60Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto, Japan
61University Hospital, Kragujevac, and Clinic for Neurosurgery, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
62Department of Neurology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Finland
63Departments of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Rohsai Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
64Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie, Innsbruck, Austria
65Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey
66Comprehensive Cancer Centres IKL (Maastricht), IKO (Nijmegen), IKZ (Eindhoven), University Hospital Maastricht, Netherland
67University Hospital, POB 9600, 2330 RC, Leiden, Netherlands
68Hopital Neurologique, Nancy, France
69Department of Neurosurgery, Justus-Liebig Univ., Gieβen, FRG
70Section of Neurological Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, USA
71Department of Neurology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
72Department Clinical Oncology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
73Departments of Neuroradiology, University of Bonn, Germany
74Neurosurgery, CHU, Nantes, France
75University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands
76Dept of Med Oncology, Charing Cross Hospital, London
77Depts of Oncology and Neurosurgery, Umeä University Hosptial, UMEÅ, Sweden
78Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland
79Section of Neurological Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
80Dept. of Radiotherapy, Tilburg
81Department Clinical Nourosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
82Neuro-Oncology Unit, The Royal Marsden Hospital & Institute of Cancer Research, Downs Road, SM2 5PT, Sutton, Surrey, UK
83MRC Statistics Unit, Cambridge, UK
84Lab. CNS Regen. & Ncuro-Oncol.
85Stroke & Trauma Lab., VA Med. Ctr., 20122, Wash., DC, USA
86Department of Neurology, University of Helsinki, Haartmanink.4, SF-00290, Helsinki, Finland
87Midwest Neuro- Oncol Ctr, Depts Neurosurg & Radiat Phys, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA
88Istituto Nazionale Neurologico “ C. Besta” and 'Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy
89Department of Neurological Sciences- Neurosurgery-“La Sapienza”, University of Rome, Rome, Italy
90Pasquale Ciappetta Department of Neurological Sciences Neurosurgery - “La Sapienza”, University of Rome, Rome, Italy
91Departments of Neurology and Radiotherapy, Tuebingen, Germany
92Dep. for Neuropathology, Univ. Bonn, Germany
93Institute of Pathology, Bologna University, Italy
94Department of Neurosurgery, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany
95Department of Neurology, University of Würzburg, JosefSchneider-Str. 11, 97080, Würzburg, Germany
96Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
97Centre Hospitalier de Tivoli La Louvière, Belgium
98Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätskliniken des Saarlandes, Homburg
99Department of Neuroradiology, University of Paris-Sud, Bicêtre, France
100Pr Grelller. Hôpital Pasteur, Nice, France
101Dept. of Neurosurgery, Civil Hospital of Legnano (MI), Italy
102Departments of Neurosurgery, Umeå University Hospital, UMEΛ, Sweden
103Civilian Hospital, Neurosurgery, Terni
104Departement of Neurosurgery, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
105Neurosurgery, Hospital de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain
106Departments of Epileptology, University of Bonn, Germany
107Neurosurgery, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Díaz
108Atkinson Morley's Hospital, London, England
109Brook General Hospital, University of Greenwich, London
110IRCCS S.Raffaele - Centro Margherita Magenes, Univ. Milan, Italy
111IRCCS H S.Ralffale - Centro “Margherita Magenes”, University of Milan, Italy
112Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, UK
113Departement of Neuroradiology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
114Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, USA
115Dept. of Ncurosurgcry and Dept. of Infectious Diseases, IRCCS S.Raffacle Hospital, University of Milan, Italy
116Neurochirurgische Klinik Mannheim der Univ. Heidelberg, 68167, Mannheim, Germany
117Clinic far Neurosurgery, University of Innsbruck, Austria
118Istituto di Anatomia and Clinica Neurologica V, Università di Milano, Italy
119Departments of Radiotherapy, University of Münster, FRG
120Abt. für Neuropathologie, 66421, Homburg/Saar, Gennany
121Dept. of Pediatric Neurology, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
122CRC Beatson Labs, Glasgow, UK
123Department of Neurology, Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France
124Dept. of Radiotherapy, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
125Department of Neuro-Oncology, Hopital St. André, Bordeaux Cedex, France
126I.R.I.S. Brussels, Belgium
127Dept of Ncuropathology, U.H. Leuven, Belgium
128Institute of Pathology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
129Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Human Cancers, CNRS URA, 1462, France
130Pathology, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain
131Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech, St.Petersburg, Russia
132Neurochirurgische Klinik Köln-Merheim, Deutschland
133Department Experimental Medicine, I University of Rome. Regina Elena Institute, Rome, Italy
134Department of Pathology, De Wever Hospital, Heerlen, the Netherlands
135Neurologische Klinik, Universität Würzburg, FRG
136Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA USA
137Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany
138Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands
139Neurosurgical Clinic, Justus Liebig University, Gießen, Germany
140Department of Neuro-Oncology, Hôpital Saint-André, Bordeaux Cedex, France
141Department of Ncurosurgery, University of Paris-Sud, Bicêtre, France
142Department of Neuropathology, University of Paris-Sud, Bicêtre, France
143Yale University, New Haven, USA
144Russian Neurosurgical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
145Depts. of Neurology, University Hospital Charité, Berlin, Germany
146Department of Neurology and Clinical Chemistry, University of Giessen, Germany
147Departments of Clinical Oncology and Neurosurgery, Nottihghah, UK
148Armed Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
149Istituto Naztonale Neurologico “ C. Besta”, Milan, Italy
150Neurosurgery & 'Pathology, Fundación Jiménez Dfaz, Spain
151Neurosurgery, Hospital de la Princesa, and 'Instituto de lnvcstigaciones Biomédicas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
152Pathology, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Díaz
153Mayo Clinic Foundation, Rochester, USA
154Abt. f. Stereotaxie, Med. Klinik II, ′Klinik f. Strahlentherapie d. Universität zu Köln, Germany
155Russian Neuroaurgical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
156Armed Forces Hospital, PO Box 7897, 11159, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
157Ncuro-oncology Unit, Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, UK
158Radiotherapeutisch Instituut Limburg, Heerlen, The Netherlands
159Neurosurgical Department, University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel 18–20, 1090, Wien
160Department of Neurosurgery, University of Lille, France
161Department of Meurosurgery, Gaitama Medical School and University of Tokyo, Japan
162Neurochirurgische Universitätsklinik, Homburg
163National Institutes of Health, LCMB, Bethesda, USA
164University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
165Neurosurgical Department, Martin-Luther-University, Halle, Germany
166Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School, Kumamoto, Japan
167Institut Curie et Hôpital de la Salpètriêre, Paris, France
168Dept.of Neurosurgery, UKE Hamburg, Germany
169Dept.of Chemistry, University of Bremen, Germany
170Department of Neurosurgery, University of Graz, Austria
171Department of Physics & Neuro-Oncology Unit, The Royal Marsden Hospital, Fulham Road, SW3 6JJ, London, UK
172Dr Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
173Institute of Analytical Chemistry, University of Graz, Austria
174Departments of Radiation Physics, Umeå University Hospital, UMEΛ, Sweden
175Department of Neurosurgery, USSL, 70, Legnano (Mi)
176Departements orNeurosurgery and Endocrinology, C.H.U. Lille, France
177Mayo Clinic, 55905, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
178Lab. d'Oncologie Moléculaire Centre Henri-Becquerel, Rouen
179Dept. of Radiotherapy and Radiobiology, University Hospital Vienna, Austria
180Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung, Neurologische and Neurochirurgische Universitätsklinik, Köln, Germany
181University Hospital, Staten Island, USA
182Department of Neurosurgery, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
183Department of Neurosurgery, Neurology and Radiation Oncology, Buffalo General Hospital, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Dent Neurologic Institute, Suny at Buffalo
184Department of Neurosurgery and Radiation Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo General Hospital. Dent Neurologic Institute, Suny at Buffalo
185Neuro-oncology Unit, The Royal Marsden Hospital & Institute of Cancer Research, Downs Road, SM2 5PT, Sutton, Surrey
186Abteilung für Stereotaxie u. funktionelle Neurochirurgie der Universität zu Köln, Germany
187Institute of Radiotherapy, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
188Department of Nuclear Medicine and Division of Pediatrics, Goethe University Medical Center, Frankfurt, FRG
189Departments of Neurosurgery, Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium
190Pediatric Unit Centre Leon Berard. Depment of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Hopital Necker, Paris
191Depts. of Neurosurgery and Neuropathology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
192Institute of Neurology, Queen Square and the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, UK
193Service d'Oncologie Pédiatrique de l'Hôpital Universitaire Robert Debré, Paris, France
194Department of Pharmacology Ruhr-University, Bochum, FRG
195Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, PO Box 7897, 11159, Riyadh, Israel
196University Hospital, Staten Island, New York, USA
197Departments of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Gasthulsberg, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
198Dept.Neurology, University Hospital, P.O.Box 9101, 6500 HB, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
199Departments of Oncology, Umeå University Hospital, UMEΛ, Sweden
200Departments of Radiotherapy, University Hospital Gasthulsberg, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
201Dept of Ncuropathology, University Hospital Leiden, The Netherlands
202Dept of Neuropathology, University Hospital Amsterdam, The Netherlands
203Dept. Neurology and Anaesthesiology, Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
204Dep.Neurological Sciences, 2nd Chair of Neurosurgery, University “La Sapienza”, Rome
205Dept.Neurology, University Hospital, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
206Institute of Immunology, Moscow, Russia
207Departments of Neuropathology, Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium
208Departments of Neurology, University of Tübingen, FRG
209Departments of Neurosurgery, University of Tübingen, FRG
210Neurosurgery, Free University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
211Departments of Radiotherapy, University of Tübingen, FRG
212Department of Pathology, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
213Department of Neurology, University of Würzburg, Germany
214Dept. Pathology, University Medical School of Debrecen, Hungary
215Dept. of Neurology, 97080, Würzburg
216Dept. of Infectious Diseases, L.Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Italy
217Dept. of Radiology, University of Regensburg, Germany
218Service d'Oncologie Pédiatrique de l'Hôpital Universitaire Robert Debré, 48 Bd Serurier, 75019, Paris, France
219Departments of Pediatrics, University of Münster, FRG
220Laser Centre, Academic Medical Centre, The Netherlands
221Dep. for Microbiology and Virology, Univ. Bonn, Germany
222Department of neurosurgery, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
223Department of Pathology, University of Bergen, Norway
224Institutes of Pathology Regensburg, Heidelberg, Germany
225Beatson Oncology Centre, Western Infirmary, Glasgow
226dept. of neurosurgery, University of Würzburg, Germany
227Depts. of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Charité, Berlin, Germany
228Inst. Pharmacological Sci., University of Milano, Italy
229Unibersité Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels
230Centre Antoine Lacassagne Hopital Pasteur, Nice
231Boehringer Kannheim Research Center, Milano and Monza, Italy
232Hôpital de la Salpètriêre el Institut Curie, Paris, France
233Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
234Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Bergen, Norway
235Instutite of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Germany
236Neuro-Oncology Unit & Academic Unit of Radiotherapy and Oncology Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research, UK
237Dcpartment of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School, Kumamoto, Japan
238Neurosurgical Department, University of Vienna, Wien
239Department of Neurology and Oncology, National University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
240Dept. of Pathology, University of Bergen, Norway
241Departments of Neuropediatrics, University Hospital Gasthulsberg, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
242Centre Antoine Lacassagne Hopital Pasteur, 06100, Nice
243Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
244DNRCS Chu Timone, Marseille, France
245Dept. of Radiotherapy, University Hospital, Homburg/Saar, Germany
246Institute of Pathology, University of Graz, Austria
247MDC, Drug Targeting, Berlin
248Neurosurgery, Free University Hospital, The Netherlands
249Department of Neuro-oncology, Daniel den Hoedt Clinic Rotterdam, Netherlands
250Free University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
251Department of Neurology, University Hospital Maastricht, the Netherlands
252Department of Radiology, University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands
253Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
254Department of Neurosurgery, Radiotherapy Institute Limburg, The Netherlands
255Dptm. Neurology, Univ. Würzburg, Germany
256Erasme Hospital, ULB, Belgium
257Department of Neurosurgery, University of Luebeck, Germany
258Department of Neurosurgery, University Dresden, Dresden
259Department of Neurology, Free University, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
260Department of Neurosurgery, Klinikum Steglitz, Free University of Berlin, FRG
261Midwest Neuro-Oncol Ctr, Depts Neurosurg & Anesthesiol, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, USA
262Cerbiol, Saint-prim, France
263Depts of Neurosurgery and Oncology, Umeå University Hospital, UMEÅ, Sweden
264Dept. Surgery-Neurosurgery, University of Pavia, Italy
265Centre Antoine Lacassagne, France
266MR - Institut, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
267IN Tumori, Milan, Italy
268Neuropathol & Anesthesiol, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, USA
269Neuroscicncc and Oncology Departments, Armed Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
270Gough-Cooper Department of Neurological Surgery, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, WC1N 3BG, London, UK
271Neurosurgical Clinic, Nordstadthospital, Hannover, Germany
272Neurosurgery, Civilian Hospital, Terni, Italy
273Department of Hematology, St Louis Hospital, Paris, France
274Dept. Neurology and Neurosurgery, UK
275Departments of Neuropathology, University Hospital Gasthulsberg, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
276Istituto Nazionale Neurologico “C. Besta”, Milano, Italy
277Institute of Neuropathology, Medical University of Lübeck, Germany
278Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Rotterdam, Netherlands
279Department of Neurosurgery, Klinikum Neubrandenburg, 17036, Neubrandenburg
280Clinic for Neurosurgery, University of Innsbruck, Austria
281Massachusetts General Hospital, Germany, Institute of Neurology, Boston, USA
282Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Lübeck, Germany
283Institute of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Lübeck, Germany
284Beatson Oncology Centre, Glasgow, UK
285German Cancer Research Centre, Inst. for Immunology and Genetics, Heidelberg
286Institute of Neurology, Medical Univcrsily of Lübeck, Germany
287Midwest Neuro-Oncol Ctr, Depts Neurosurg & Anesthesiol, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA
288Institute of Neuropathology and Department of Neurosurgery, Germany
289Max-Plank-Istitute for biophysical chemistry, Götttingen, Germany
290CRBGC-CNRS, 31062, Toulouse, France
291Max-Planck-Inst. f. Biochemistry, Planegg-Martinsried, Germany
292Clinical Pharmacology Branch, NCI,and NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
293Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York
294Depts Neurosurg, Midwest Neuro-Oncol Ctr, USA
295Clinical Pharmacology Branch, NCI,and NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
296National Cancer Institute, 20892, Bethesda, Maryland
297Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung, Neurologische and Neurochirurgische Universitätsklinik, 50931, Köln, Germany
298The Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Downs Road, SM2 5PT, Sutton, Surrey, UK
299The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, WCI, London, UK
300Duke University, North Carolina, USA
301Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
302Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
303Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam NL
304Max-Delbrueck-Centre for Molecular Medicine, Bcrlin, Germany
305Departments of Oncology and Neurosurgery, Umeå University, Sweden
306Department of Neurology, University of Rostock, Germany
307Clinic of Neurology, Neubrandenburg, Germany
308Clinic of Radiology, University of Rostock, Germany
309Milan Niguarda Hospital, Service of Pathologic Anatomy, Italy
310Dep. Neurological Sciences, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
311Inst. für Humangenetik, Gennany
312The Children's Hospital, 2050, Sydney, NSW, Australia
313Department of Neurology, University of Essen, Germany
314Neurologic department, Kaiser Franz Josef Spital, Vienna, Austria
315Department of Neurology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York
316Dept. Neurology, University of Milan, Monza, Italy
317Universitatskrankenhaus Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
318Department of Pathology, Technical University Aachen, Germany
319Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain
320Ziekenhuis De Wever & Gregorius, The Netherlands
321dept. of human genetics, University of the Saarland, Germany
322Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
323Neurologische Klinik und Abteilung für Neuropathologie, Germany
324Dept. of Radiotherapy, University Hospital Münster, Germany

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