A simple and effective method for vegetative propagation of an endangered medicinal plant Salacia oblonga Wall

Journal of Natural Medicines - Tập 70 - Trang 115-119 - 2015
K. G. K. Deepak1, G. Suneetha1, Ch. Surekha1
1Department of Biochemistry & Bioinformatics, Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India

Tóm tắt

Salacia oblonga Wall. is an endangered medicinal plant whose conservation is urgently needed, as it is extensively used in the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine to treat diabetes mellitus. This study shows an easy, effective and simple method of conserving genetic identity and producing elite clones of S. oblonga through vegetative propagation. Vegetative propagation was achieved using roots (R), stems with leaves (SL) and stems without leaves (S) with different concentrations (0–500 ppm) of indole butyric acid (IBA). Explants S and SL showed maximum shooting response with 300 ppm IBA and explant R showed maximum response with 200 ppm IBA.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Advances using indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) dissolved in water for rooting cuttings, transplanting and grafting. http://www.rootinghormones.com/advliq.htm. Accessed 27 Feb 2015