A new hybrid algorithm based on optimal fuzzy controller in multimachine power system
Tóm tắt
In this article, a new methodology based on fuzzy proportional‐integral‐derivative (PID) controller is proposed to damp low frequency oscillation in multimachine power system where the parameters of proposed controller are optimized offline automatically by hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) techniques. This newly proposed method is more efficient because it cope with oscillations and different operating points. In this strategy, the controller is tuned online from the knowledge base and fuzzy interference. In the proposed method, for achieving the desired level of robust performance exact tuning of rule base and membership functions (MF) are very important. The motivation for using the GA and PSO as a hybrid method are to reduce fuzzy effort and take large parametric uncertainties in to account. This newly developed control strategy mixed the advantage of GA and PSO techniques to optimally tune the rule base and MF parameters of fuzzy controller that leads to a flexible controller with simple structure while is easy to implement. The proposed method is tested on three machine nine buses and 16 machine power systems with different operating conditions in present of disturbance and nonlinearity. The effectiveness of proposed controller is compared with robust PSS that tune using PSO and the fuzzy controller which is optimized rule base by GA through figure of demerit and integral of the time multiplied absolute value of the error performance indices. The results evaluation shows that the proposed method achieves good robust performance for a wide range of load change in the presents of disturbance and system nonlinearities and is superior to the other controllers. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Complexity 21: 78–93, 2015
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