A methodology for data-driven modeling and prediction of the drag losses of wet clutches

Lukas Pointner-Gabriel1, Katharina Voelkel1, Hermann Pflaum1, Karsten Stahl1
1School of Engineering and Design, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gear Research Center (FZG), Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748, Garching near Munich, Germany

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AbstractIn wet clutches, load-independent drag losses occur in the disengaged state and under differential speed due to fluid shearing. The drag torque of a wet clutch can be determined accurately and reliably by means of costly and time-consuming measurements. As an alternative, the drag losses can already be precisely calculated in the early development phase using computing-intensive CFD models. In contrast, simple analytical calculation models allow a rough but non-time-consuming estimation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a methodology that can be used to build a data-driven model for the prediction of the drag losses of wet clutches with low computational effort and, at the same time, sufficient accuracy under consideration of a high number of influencing parameters. For building the model, we use supervised machine learning algorithms. The methodology covers all relevant steps, from data generation to the validated prediction model as well as its usage. The methodology comprises six main steps. In Step 1, the data is generated on a suitable test rig. In Step 2, characteristic values of each measurement are evaluated to quantify the drag loss behavior. The characteristic values serve as target values to train the model. In Step 3, the structure and quality of the dataset are analyzed and, subsequently, the model input parameters are defined. In Step 4, the relationships between the investigated influencing parameters (model input) and the characteristic values (model output) are determined. Symbolic regression and Gaussian process regression have both been proven to be suitable for this task. Lastly, the model is used in Step 5 to predict the characteristic values. Based on the predictions, the drag torque can be predicted as a function of differential speed in Step 6, using an approximation function. The model allows a user-oriented prediction of the drag torque even for a high number of parameters with low computational effort and sufficient accuracy at the same time.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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