Mô Hình Học Tập Tổ Hợp Xếp Chồng Để Nhận Diện Trạng Thái Tinh Thần Hướng Tới Việc Triển Khai Giao Diện Não-Máy Tính
Tóm tắt
Từ khóa
#Ensemble learning #EEG signals #Brain computer interface #Deep learning #Sparse autoencoderTài liệu tham khảo
bengio, 2007, Greedy layerwise training of deep networks, NIPS Vancouver
goodfellow, 2009, Measuring invariances in deep networks, NIPS Vancouver, 646
anh, 2016, A combination of independent component analysis, relative wavelet energy, and support vector machine for mental state classification, 2016 16th International Conference on Control Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 733
anh, 2019, A deep sparse autoencoder method for automatic EOG artifact removal, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Control Automation and Systems (ICCAS)
anh, 0, A Robust PCA-SURE Thresholding Deep Neural Network Approach for Mental Task Brain Computer Interface, Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences (Accepted for publication)